Event Activity Types

There are a number of SLM events that can occur in ASM Core involving escalations and breaches. When an event occurs, it is written into a database table.

The following SLM event types are recorded in ASM Core:

  • Resolve Breach

  • First Call Breach

  • Response Breach

  • First Call Escalation

  • Response Escalation

  • SLA Clock stopped

  • OLA Clock stopped

  • UC Clock stopped

  • Reminder

  • Resolve Escalation Level 1

  • Resolve Escalation Level 2

  • Resolve Escalation Level 2

You can rename these event types, if required. However, you cannot delete them, or create additional event types.

Because each event is assigned a number by ASM Core internally and triggers notifications, you should ensure that the name you specify accurately represents the actual event.

Renaming an Event Type

  1. Select the Menu button, then Admin, and then select System Administration. The System Administration window is displayed, with a menu of options available.

  2. In the Explorer pane, select Service Level Management.

  3. Select Event Activity Type to open the window.

  4. Select the required Event Type by clicking on the Name field.

  5. Type over the name with the new name.

  6. Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

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