Creating an Approval Task
You may want to create approvals at various stages of the request and create dependencies such that certain tasks are not released until each approval is approved by the request manager.
Analysts with Approver selected in the Tasks tab of their Workflow Management security role can approve or reject Approval Tasks. If an analyst does not have approval rights, they will be able to view and take action on Approval Tasks but they will not be able to complete them.
Approval tasks are automatically scheduled to run when released in a request workflow.
If you want the user to complete the approval, you should create a user approval task.
Creating an Approval Task
Search for the Request Details window, if it is not already on screen.
Select the Update Dependencies explorer option on the Request Details window, or the button from the toolbar. The Task Dependencies window appears with icons for task entity types displayed below the toolbar.
Choose the Approval task icon from the palette, and drag it to the window.
On the dependency diagram, double-click the Approval task icon to view the Approval Details window.
The Task Type field displays values that have been defined for approval types on the Approval Types window.
Complete the common task fields on this task.
Complete the Resource Management details, if appropriate.
After you have completed the fields, save or defer the task. If you are creating the task as part of a workflow template, assign it to another analyst or manager and initiate the appropriate action necessary for completion of the approval.
Approvals cannot be approved or rejected when the associated request is being actioned by another analyst and you have modified fields in the request.