Task Transactions

Limited Support/End of Life Capabilities

The Classic API has been replaced by the Alemba RestFul API. While we will continue to support the Classic API for clients that are still using it, no further development will be done.

If you need to request a hotfix or support for these features, please contact Alemba Support

ASM has two Application Programming Interfaces (or APIs), which enable you to develop programs that automate many common ASM transactions. This section of the documentation deals with the Classic API.

The API provides transactions in which to update, retrieve, forward and complete tasks. Tasks themselves cannot be created through the API.

Timesheet transactions are provided for updating existing tasks.

Availability transactions are provided to find outages linked to existing tasks.

There is a transaction to pass a list of CMDB Items against which an outage can be created. If possible, the API will create an outage against the specified items. If the transaction is unable to create an outage against the specified item, it may return an error.

TaskUpdate Transaction

The TaskUpdate transaction can be used to update an existing task. However, you cannot create tasks using the API.

Input Parameters: TaskUpdateRequest

Return Values:TaskResponse

TaskRetrieve Transaction

The TaskRetrieve transaction can be used to retrieve an existing task’s details.

Input Parameters: TaskRetrieveRequest

Return Values:TaskRetrieveResponse

TaskComplete Transaction

Input Parameters: TaskCompleteRequest

Return Values: TaskResponse

See TaskResponse for more information.

TaskForwardInt Transaction

The TaskForwardInt transaction can be used to forward an existing task internally to an analyst or group.

Input Parameters: TaskInternalRequest

Return Values: TaskResponse

See TaskResponse for more information.

TaskCreateOutage Transaction

The TaskCreateOutage transaction can be used to create an outage against an item linked to a task.

Input Parameters: TaskCreateOutageRequest

Return Values: TaskResponse

See TaskResponse for more information.

TaskFindLinkedOutage Transaction

The TaskFindLinkedOutage transaction can be used to find outages linked to a given task.

Input Parameters: EntityBaseRequest

Return Values: TaskRetrieveResponse

See TaskRetrieveResponse for more information.

TaskTimesheetCreate Transaction

The TaskTimeSheetCreate transaction can be used to create a timesheet entry for an existing task.

Input Parameters: TaskTimesheetCreateRequest

Return Values: TaskResponse

See TaskResponse for more information.

TaskTimesheetUpdate Transaction

The TaskTimeSheetUpdate transaction can be used to update an existing timesheet entry.

Input Parameters: TaskTimesheetUpdateRequest

Return Values: TaskResponse

See TaskResponse for more information.

TaskTimesheetDelete Transaction

The TaskTimeSheetDelete transaction can be used to delete an existing timesheet entry. You cannot use this transaction to update other task fields.

Input Parameters: TaskTimesheetDeleteRequest

Return Values: TaskResponse

See TaskResponse for more information.