CMDB Settings

You can use the CMDB Settings window to configure the global settings for the CMDB module.

These settings can be used to define options for items in the CMDB containing configuration items, Users, organizations, contracts, agreements, services and external suppliers.

Before you start

You must have CMDB Setup enabled within your General Access security role in order to configure any CMDB administration settings. Depending on if or how your system is partitioned, ensure that you are working in the correct partition.

  1. In the Explorer pane expand CMDB.

  2. Select CMDB Settings to display the window.

  3. Complete the details, selecting the appropriate settings where necessary.

CMDB Items/People Options

The CMDB Items/People options enable you to specify the relationship and links between people, locations and organizations.

Audit Trail

The Audit Trail options enable you to select the types of CMDB entities to track when changes are made in their Details window.

For performance reasons, the Audit Trail only tracks changes to long text fields (such as Description) up until the size limit of the New Value field, which is 80 characters. So while the audit trail will record a change made to the description, it may not track the entire change made to a long text field.

Default Visibility

The Default Visibility options enable you to make configuration items and services visible on the Self Service Portal by default. However, this setting can be changed each time an analyst creates a configuration item or service.

CMDB Item Window

The CMDB Item Window options enable you to set the following Model and Manufacturer settings.

If the Manufacturer to Model option is selected, entries in the Model list on the Configuration Item Details window are filtered based on the selection made in the Manufacturer field. If not, all entries model types are displayed.

External Contract

The External Contract option allows you to set whether a contract needs to be set before a call can be forwarded externally. There is only one option in this section.

Linking Diagram

There is only one option in this section.

Transaction Options

The Transaction Options allow you to specify which fields are mandatory when analysts add transactions against asset type CMDB Item Types, such as the standard Software Products and Inventory CMDB Item Types. Transactions include ordering, purchasing, reserving and allocating items, as well as transferring ownership, changing availability status and retiring items.

CMDB Bulk Update

The CMDB Bulk Update option allows you to set the number of items allowed in one bulk update. There is only one option in this section.