Depreciation by CMDB Item Type

The Depreciation by CMDB Item Type window enables you to apply Depreciation Schedules and Depreciation Methods to CMDB Items.

For example, you might create a depreciation schedule called IT hardware write-downs. You can link this to the desktop, server and laptop CMDB item types. However, you would apply a different depreciation method to servers than you would to desktops and laptops, because they depreciate in a different way. When the IT hardware write-downs schedule is run, ASM Core applies the chosen methods to each separate CMDB item type.

You can create as many depreciation schedules as you wish and can link any of these to any CMDB item types. They can be linked in a many-to-many structure, so that one CMDB item type can be linked to several depreciation schedules and one schedule can be linked to multiple CMDB item types. When you link schedules to CMDB item types, you can also specify which depreciation methods to use from the Depreciation Method screen for each CMDB item type.

To configure depreciation, you will need to carry out the following:

  1. Define your CMDB Items.

  2. Create one or more depreciation schedules.

  3. Define the parameters for one or more methods of depreciation.

  4. Link the schedules and methods to CMDB Item Types.

  5. Create and define your batch run parameters for each depreciation schedule. This executes the depreciation calculation against the CMDB Items.

  6. View a log of all the batch runs.

Defining Depreciation Settings for a CMDB Item Type

  1. Select Menu and then Admin. Alternatively, select the arrow on the Admin button.

    Select System Administration. The System Administration window is displayed, with a menu of options available. In the Explorer pane, locate the Depreciation group, scrolling up or down if necessary. You may need to expand the group to see the options within it.

  2. Select Depreciation by CMDB Item Type to open the window.

  3. Select a CMDB Item Type from the CMDB Item Type table. The depreciation settings for the CMDB Item are displayed.

  4. Select Add New. A new row is added to the Depreciation Schedule table.

  5. Complete the details as follows. (You may like to adjust the column widths to see all of the columns.)

Depreciation Schedule
Select a depreciation schedule for the CMDB Item Type from the drop down list

Depreciation Method

Select the depreciation method for the CMDB Item Type from the drop down list


Type the depreciation percentage rate for the CMDB Item Type

Residual Percentage

Type the residual percentage for the CMDB Item Type

  1. Repeat for as many schedules as you wish to link to this CMDB item type.

  2. Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

Editing Depreciation Settings for a CMDB Item Type

  1. Select Menu and then Admin. Alternatively, select the arrow on the Admin button.

    Select System Administration. The System Administration window is displayed, with a menu of options available.

  2. In the Explorer pane, locate the Depreciation group, scrolling up or down if necessary. You may need to expand the group to see the options within it.

  3. Select Depreciation by CMDB Item Type to open the window.

  4. Select a CMDB Item Type from the CMDB Item Type table. The depreciation settings for the CMDB Item are displayed.

  5. Update the details as necessary.

  6. Select the Save icon to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

Deleting Depreciation Settings for a CMDB Item Type

You cannot reverse this procedure. If you delete a setting by mistake, will need to re-create the entry by defining a new depreciation setting.

  1. Select Menu and then Admin. Alternatively, select the arrow on the Admin button.

    Select System Administration. The System Administration window is displayed, with a menu of options available.

  2. In the Explorer pane, locate the Depreciation group, scrolling up or down if necessary. You may need to expand the group to see the options within it.

  3. Select Depreciation by CMDB Item Type to open the window.

  4. Select a CMDB Item Type from the CMDB Item Type table. The depreciation settings for the CMDB Item are displayed.

  5. Select the depreciation setting you want to delete from the Depreciation Schedule table.

  6. Select Delete.

  7. Select the Save icon to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

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