Type Tiers
Every call an Analyst logs must have a Type specified for it. Types are a way to categorize an issue reported by a User.
For example, you can create a type called “Mail Server” to identify all issues that pertain to delivery of email. This window enables you to define issue types for your environment.
Best Practice
An Incident should define the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and HOW.
Another way to think of it is this: It should form a complete sentence. Subject, Verb, Direct Object.
Your type tier then is the same as the HOW, or the Verb
Creating a Type
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.
The System Administration window appears.
In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.
Select Type Tiers to open the window.
Select Add New in the topmost tier.
Type the name of the issue type in the field under the Tier 1 column.
To add lower tiers linked to this tier, first select this tier.
You cannot add lower tiers to the default type named Unspecified. (The default can, however, be renamed.)
Select Add New in the table for the next tier, and type the required value.
Repeat these steps for each tier that you require.
You can also:
Set escalation and breach recipients for each tier. To do so, select one of the buttons corresponding to the type of event, that is, Escalate or Breach. This will open a new window.
Set the maximum length of the Type Tier. To do so, see Setting the Maximum Composite Length.
Hide the system-default Type "Unspecified". To do so, select the check box Default Type Hidden.
10. Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.
Deleting a Type
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.
The System Administration window appears.
In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.
Select Type Tiers to open the window.
Select the type you want to delete by selecting on it.
Select Delete. If you try to delete a type that has linked types, the system will display a message that the selected type has linked tiers and the linked tiers will also be deleted.
Select Yes to delete the selected type and its linked tiers, or No to close the message window without deleting any value.
Setting the Maximum Composite Length
On the Type Tiers window, there is a field called Max Composite Length. This field displays the total number of characters that will be displayed in the Type field on the Call Details window. The default is 17. This means when an Analyst selects the type value, the first 17 characters will be displayed. This is including the tier separator /. So, if an analyst selects Hardware/Network/Server, the value Hardw/Netwo/Serve will be displayed.
To open the Type Tiers window:
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.
The System Administration window appears.
In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.
Select Type Tiers to open the window.
To increase the number of characters displayed:
Type the new length for this field. The maximum value you can specify is 90. The minimum is 17.
Select the Update icon so that ASM Core can build values for types based on this length.
Save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.
Defining Recipients for Escalation
In ASM Core, you can configure up to three levels of escalation. The escalation recipients you define here are applicable for all three levels of escalation.
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.
The System Administration window appears.
In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.
Select Type Tiers to open the window.
Select the escalation link. This opens a new window from which you can find the person or group you want to be notified.
Select Ok to save the details or to quit the window without saving. This closes the window and returns you to the Type Tiers screen.
Defining Recipients for Breaches
In ASM Core, you can configure up to three levels of escalation. The escalation recipients you define here are applicable for all three levels of escalation.
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.
The System Administration window appears.
In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.
Select Type Tiers to open the window.
Select the Recipients link. This opens a new window from which you can find the person or group you want to be notified.
You can delete recipients from the Selected Recipients table by selecting Delete.
Select Ok to save the details.
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