Task Types
You can record the task type on each task, such as Installation, or Testing. They indicate the nature of the task being logged.
Analysts select task types from the Task Type field on the Task Details window.
Creating a Task Type
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration. The System Administration window appears. In the Explorer pane, expand Workflow Management.
Select the Task Types option. The Task Types window appears, with a browse table of existing task types.
Select the New icon. A blank row is inserted in the browse table.
Type the name of the task type.
Repeat for each task type you want to create.
Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.
Renaming a Task Type
Do not rename the system-defined “Unspecified” task type.
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration. The System Administration window appears. In the Explorer pane, expand Workflow Management.
Select the Task Types option. The Task Types window appears, with a browse table of existing task types.
Select the task type you want to rename, and overtype with the new name.
Repeat for each task type you want to rename.
Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.
Deleting a Task Type
You cannot delete the default task type (Unspecified). You cannot restore deleted task types.
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration. The System Administration window appears. In the Explorer pane, expand Workflow Management.
Select the Task Types option. The Task Types window appears, with a browse table of existing task types.
Select the task type you want to delete. Select the Delete icon. If you attempt to delete the system default, you will receive a warning message.
Repeat for each task type you want to delete.
Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.
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