Workflow Management Security Role: Requests Tab

You can restrict access to options relating to request management via the security role, as well as setting access permissions that are specific to Request Managers.

  1. Display the Workflow Management Security Role details window, if it is not already on screen.

  2. Select the Menu button, then Admin, then select System Administration.

  3. The System Administration window appears.

  4. In the Explorer pane, expand Security Roles, then select Workflow Management. All existing Workflow Management security roles are displayed.

  5. Select the Requests tab.

  6. Choose the settings you wish to assign to the security role:

Create Request

Analysts with this role can create and submit new requests.

To enable saving and retaining ownership of the new request, the Manager option must also be selected in the role.

Request Attachment Download

Analysts with this role can view and Download objects (files) attached to a request.

Request Attachment Update

Analysts with this role can modify a file that is attached to a request.

The previous option must be selected to enable this one.

Rrequest Attachment Upload without Take Action

Analysts with this role can upload attachments to a request without taking action/taking over the request itself.

Request Attachment Delete

Analysts with this role can delete an attached object.

Request Attachment Update must be selected to enable this option.

Request Stakeholders Read

Analysts with this role can view the stakeholders related to a request

Request Stakeholders Write

Analysts with this role can create or edit stakeholders related to a request

View Request Schedules

Analysts with this role can search for and view scheduled requests.

Admin Request Schedules

Analysts with this role can create, edit, and delete scheduled requests.

The previous option must be selected to enable this one.

Template Admin

Analysts with this role can create, modify and delete workflow templates. Select it to enable access to Workflow Template Administration.

Edit Workflow

Analysts with this role can edit the workflow of a request after the request has been authorized, such as changing the links and adding tasks and approvals


Analysts with this role can act as the request manager for a particular request. They can take over any request that has been forwarded to them or any group to which they belong.

When an Analyst with manager permissions logs a request, they are set as the request manager. If not, and the template is pre-authorized, the request manager will be the authorizer. If the template is not pre-authorized, the template creator will be set as the request manager.

Request Take Over

Analysts with this role can take over a request currently belonging to another Analyst or group, be delegated another Analyst’s requests and forward them on to other Analysts.

It enables the Requests for Analyst field on the Requests Outstanding window. It also selects the Take Over Requests checkbox in the Delegation Setup and the Delegation functionality accessed through the Person Details.

Manager must be selected to enable this option.

Activation Rights

Analysts with this role can activate or de-activate tasks on a Request Dependency Diagram.

Manager must be selected to enable this option.

Acknowledge Event

Analysts with this role can acknowledge a request logged as a result of an incoming event.

This option is enabled if you have configured event management.

SLM Request Exclusions

Select this option to give Analysts with this role permission to exclude selected SLM events for agreements linked to requests from reporting.

Select to enable the checkbox in the Exclude column in the Service Level Management window.

SLM Reporting Exclusions must be selected in the Service Level Management Settings and Manager must be selected in this role to enable this option.

View Others’ Requests

Analysts with this role can view other Analysts’ requests.

Manager must be selected to enable this option.

View Group’s Requests

Analysts with this role can view requests assigned to any groups to which they belong.

Manager must be selected to enable this option.

View Orgs Requests

Analysts with this role can view their own requests and any that are logged under their organization regardless of the partition. They cannot view all requests in the system.

  • Search for and open the Request

  • View History of the Request

  • View Objects on the Request

Request Group Review Default

Analysts with this role can double-click on a request that has been forwarded to their group (not only to the Analyst) to open it in review mode. Deselect to open the request in action mode when it is double-clicked, making the Analyst the owner of the request straight away.

Manager must be selected to enable this option.

Request Forward Review Default

Analysts with this role can double-click on a request that has been forwarded to them (but not their group) to open it in review mode. If this option is cleared, the request will open in action mode, that is, the Analyst will take ownership of the request.

Manager must be selected to enable this option.

Request Authorizer

Analysts with this role can authorize requests. Select to enable the Authorization explorer option on the Request Details window.

Manager must be selected to enable this option.

Request Stop Clock

Analysts with this role can ‘stop the clock’ on an agreement (such as an SLA). While the clock is stopped, no further time is accumulated on the request for the purposes of the agreement, and no agreement events (such as escalations and breaches of agreements) can occur.

Manager must be selected to enable this option.

Request Change Agreement

Analysts with this role can manually override an agreement (SLA) that is currently attached to a request and replace it with another agreement.

Alemba® recommends extreme caution in giving Analysts this level of security

Request Bulk Forward

Analysts with this role can forward multiple requests to another Analyst or group. It enables the Bulk Forward button on the Request Search and Outstanding windows

Request Bulk Close

Analysts with this role can close multiple requests. It enables the button on the Request Search and Outstanding windows

Request Advanced Search

Enables the Advanced Search option when searching for requests. Analysts with this role can create searches using advanced search functions.

Take over on Forward

Analysts with role force call ownership to the forwarded to analyst instead of retaining ownership until the forward to analysts takes action. The Request Manager changes to the analysts the Request was forwarded to.


Update Without Action

This setting applies only to Nano.

While using Nano, analysts with this setting enabled can update requests without first taking action, and the Take Action button will be hidden.

Select to save the changes and close the window. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so. Alternatively, select another tab, if appropriate.

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