Outgoing SMTP and MAPI Email Server Settings
MAPI is no longer supported from ASM version EOS (10.5).
SMTP Outgoing Email Server Parameters
You can set the following options to configure outgoing email for SMTP:
Name The name of the email system. This must be unique
Protocol A read-only field displaying the email protocol for this email server account
Server The address used to connect to the SMTP server
Port Number The port number on the mail server to which ASM Core must connect. The standard SMTP port is 25, which is the default setting
Login ID and Password The username and password required to connect to the mail server. Ensure that this account is set up on the mail server or ASM Core will not be able to send outgoing mail.
Active This option must be selected to activate this email account in the system so that it can be used
Use SSL This option must be selected to specify that any communications sent by this mail server should be SSL (Secure Socket Layer). It is selected by default. If you are using Microsoft Exchange 365, this option must be selected.
Pager Encoding An encoding type for emails sent to pagers from this mail server. You can select from a drop-down list
Mailbox Authentication Methods The authentication method that must be used for this mail server account. Automatically select Authentication Method allows ASM Core to select the most secure method of authentication supported by the server or a less secure method, if the server does not support a particular form of authentication. Clearing Automatically select Authentication Method allows you to specify the authentication. If you clear Automatically select Authentication Method and do not select an authentication method, no authentication will be used.
Send Receipt Email Select this option to send a receipt with any emails sent from this mail server
Connection Timeout (secs) The time in seconds that the connection can be left idle before it is automatically timed out. The default is 120.
Enable chunking Enable data chunking on outgoing email messages to assist in the transmission of emails with large attachments
Outgoing Email ID The email address that appears in the From field of any emails sent from this server. This is the email address that is used when neither Sent From Analyst nor Reply to Forwarding Analyst is selected on this window
Default Outgoing Email Server Select this option to use this email server as the outgoing email server to be used if no email server is defined for a partition from which an email is being sent. Selecting this option overrides the Default Outgoing Email Server setting configured for another server.
Sent From Analyst Select this option if you want the email address of the Analyst triggering the email to appear in the From field of any emails sent from this server. If this option is cleared, the From field displays the email address specified in the Outgoing Email ID field.
Reply to Forwarding Analyst Select this option if you want the email address of the Analyst triggering the outgoing email to appear in the To field, if the recipient decides to reply to the email. If this option is cleared, the To field displays the email address specified in the Outgoing Email ID field.
Partition This list appears if Email IDs are partitioned. Use it to assign a partition to this outgoing email system. This means any emails sent from an entity belonging to the specified partition will use this mail server. You can only select the partitions to which you have access. If you want to use the same email server for two or more partitions but do not have it as the default server, you need to reconfigure the email server on another record. If you specify more than one active email server for a particular partition, ASM Core simply selects one. Alemba® recommends that you set only one active email server per partition.
MAPI Outgoing Mail Server Parameters
The MAPI Mail Server must be configured before you can configure outgoing email for MAPI.
You can set the following options to configure outgoing email for MAPI:
Name The name of the outgoing email system you are adding or editing. This must be unique.
Protocol A read-only field displaying the email protocol for this email server account.
Server The address used to connect to the MAPI server. localhost appears as default but can be overwritten.
Port Number The port number on the mail server to which ASM Core must connect. The standard MAPI port is 593, which is the default setting.
Login ID and Password The username and password required to connect to the mail server. Ensure that this account is set up on the mail server or ASM Core will not be able to send outgoing mail.
Active Select this option to activate this email account in the system so that it can be used.
Use NT Authentication Select this option to use NTLM authentication for this outgoing email server account. If this option is not selected, ASM Core will try to use the most secure authentication method available on the mail server, and downgrade to less secure methods if secure methods are not provided.
Send Receipt Email Select this option to send a receipt with any outgoing emails sent from this mail server
Outgoing Email ID The email address that appears in the From field of any emails sent from this server. This is the email address that is used when neither Sent From Analyst nor Reply to Forwarding Analyst is selected on this window.
Default Outgoing Email Server Indicates that this email server should be used if no email server is defined for a partition from which an email is being sent. Selecting this option overrides the Default Outgoing Email Server setting configured for another server.
Partition If Email IDs are partitioned (enabled in Partition Settings) this list displays. Use it to assign a partition to this outgoing email system. This means any emails sent from an entity belonging to the specified partition will use this mail server. You can only select the partitions to which you have access. If you want to use the same email server for two or more partitions but do not have it as the default server, you need to reconfigure the email server for each partition. If you specify more than one active email server for a particular partition, ASM Core simply selects one. Alemba® recommends that you set only one active email server per partition.
Sent From Analyst Select this option if you want the email address of the Analyst triggering the email to appear in the From field of any emails sent from this server. If this option is cleared, the From field displays the email address specified in the Outgoing Email ID field.
Reply to Forwarding Analyst Select this option if you want the email address of the Analyst triggering the outgoing email to appear in the To field, if the recipient decides to reply to the email. This means if you get an email about a call, you can reply to the email and it will go to the person who sent the call to you, rather than the server that created and delivered the email. If this option is cleared, the To field displays the email address specified in the Outgoing Email ID field.