ASM Self Service Portal URLs

This section lists the areas of the Self Service Portal that can be accessed using a URL from an external source, such as a website, or from within the Self Service Portal, such as from My Options.

Create links to the Self Service Portal to perform a wide range of actions, such as opening specific submission forms, pre-populating fields, submitting forms, and retrieving data.

This is particularly useful if you want to access functions of the Self Service portal without the need to have users go into the portal.

Example: An organisation has a well established intranet and would like to integrate specific portal functions into it instead of building and subsequently launching a separate portal for users.

Portal URLs have various Form parameters which can be set to a particular portal page; for example, the page for reviewing calls, requests, tasks, or knowledge articles.

All URLs that follow contain the minimum parameters required to achieve the documented goal. Additional optional parameters can be added to the URL.

My Options

When using these URLs in My Options the full address is not required. Include only the portion of the URL that follows <portal.aspx>

For example, the full address for the Self Service Portal Knowledge Search page is http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx&Form=KnowledgeSearchCriteria so you would enter &Form=KnowledgeSearchCriteria into the URL field in My Options.

Access the Self Service Portal

Replace "core.aspx" with "portal.aspx" in any URL denotes the Self Service Portal interface.

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to launch the Self Service Portal

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

Generic Parameters for Self Service Portal URLs

The following parameters can be added as an extension to the URL used to launch the Self Service Portal:





  • where <X> is the unique reference number of the partition

http://localhost/test/portal.aspx& Form=KnowledgeSearchCriteria?&Partition=2

If using a partitioned system, you can define portal URLs to refer to a specific partition.

The example launches a knowledge search submission window in the HR partition that has the REF value of 1 in the database.

Partitions are created in System Administration.

The unique reference is found in REF.SU_PARTITIONS in the database.

Specifying a partition in a URL does not bypass normal partition permission behaviors.

Access to partitioned data is controlled by the partition settings configured for the system, and the partition permissions assigned to each person.



  • where <X> is the name of the ASM System

http://localhost/test/portal.aspx?& Form=KnowledgeSearchCriteria?&Database=test

If multiple systems exist on the server, you can define portal URLs to refer to a specific system.

The example launches a knowledge search submission window in the Test system.

Systems are created in the ASM Core Server Console.



  • where <X> is the portal system key

http://localhost/test/portal.aspx?& Form=KnowledgeSearchCriteria?&portal=NY

If there are multiple portal systems, you can define portal URLs to refer to a specific portal system.

This example launches a knowledge search submission window in the New York portal system.

Self Service Portal Systems are configured in System Administration.

Automatically Log into the Self Service Portal

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&user_id=<user>?&pass_word=<pwd>?&BTN_OK=OK

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to log on to Self Service Portal automatically. By supplying the login ID, password, and database name in the URL, the login screen can be bypassed.

This URL is only valid if Integrated Security is disabled for the portal.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<user> = replace with the login ID

<pwd> = replace with the password that corresponds to the user_id

Constant Parameter:

BTN_OK=OK is required to simulate the action of selecting the OK button on the login window.

Retrieve a Password

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=ForgotPassword?&email_id=<email>?&BTN_OK=OK

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to have your password emailed to your email address. A person record must exist with that email address.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<email> = replace with the email address of the person

Constant Parameters:

ForgotPassword is the function to retrieve a password

BTN_OK=OK is required to simulate the action of selecting the OK button on the login window.

Change a Password

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=ChangePassword?&user_id=<user>&old_pass_word=<old>?&new_pass_word_1=<new>?&new_pass_word_2=<new>?&BTN_OK=OK

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to change your password.

You will be prompted to log in, do so with your old password. After you have successfully logged in with your old password, a message will appear at the top of the page confirming your password has been successfully changed.

This URL is only valid if Integrated Security is disabled for the portal.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<user> = replace with the login ID

<old> = replace with the password that corresponds to the login ID

<new> = replace with the new password you wish to change to.

Constant Parameters:

ChangePassword is the function to change a password

BTN_OK=OK is required to simulate the action of selecting the OK button on the login window.

Knowledge Bank

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=KnowledgeSearchCriteria

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to access the Portal Knowledge Search criteria page.

KnowledgeSearchCriteria is not valid for the Catalog Portal. It is only valid for the Self Service Portal.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

Constant Parameter:

KnowledgeSearchCriteria is the name of the Knowledge Search page

The Knowledge Search page in the Self Service Portal can be pre-populated by appending parameters to the basic Knowledge Search URL. For a list of parameters available for the search window, refer to Knowledge Search.

View a Knowledge Article

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&TemplateName=LiteKnowledgeSearchResults?&BTN_SELECT<ref>=View

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to view the details of a Knowledge article.

http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&TemplateName= LiteKnowledgeSearchResults?&BTN_SELECT22=View

The example URL opens the review page for knowledge article 22 in the portal.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<ref> = replace with the unique reference number of the knowledge article

Constant Parameters:

LiteKnowledgeSearchResults is the name of the template for knowledge articles

BTN_SELECT<ref>=View is the function that opens the knowledge article details.

The unique ref of the article must be inserted into this parameter.


URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=CallSearchCriteria

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to access the Review Past/Current Incidents search criteria page.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

Constant Parameters:

CallSearchCriteria is the name of the Incident Search page

The Review Past/Current Incidents window can be pre-populated by appending parameters to the basic Incident search URL. For a list of parameters available for the search window, refer to Incident Search.

Review an Incident

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=Call&Mode=Review?&Call_Number=<ref>

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to view the details of an Incident.


The example URL opens the review page for Incident number 22 in the portal.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<ref> = replace with the unique reference of the call (CALL_NUMBER.CL_CALL_LOGGING)

Constant Parameters:

Form=Call is the name of the call page file

Mode=Review is required

Open an Incident Submission Form

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=Call?&Mode=New?&Template_Ref=<ref>

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to open a submission form using a specific call template.


The example opens the call submission form for the New Starter call template (call_number=99).

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<ref> = replace with the unique reference of the call template (CALL_NUMBER.CL_CALL_LOGGING where TEMPLATE_IND=1)

Constant Parameters:

Form=Call is the name of the call page file

Mode=New is required

Log an Incident

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=CallDetails?&Mode=New?&Template_Ref=<ref>?&Ref_Composite=<type>?&BTN_OK=Submit

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to log an Incident using a specific call template.


The example above opens the Logged Incident confirmation page after logging an incident using the New Starter call template (call_number=99), and with a Type value of Unspecified (ref=1).

If the call template has not been assigned to an analyst or group, the Forward_To=<assign_ref> parameter must be appended when logging an incident. <assign_ref> is the unique ref of the analyst or group the call should be forwarded to on submit.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<ref> = replace with the unique reference of the call template (CALL_NUMBER.CL_CALL_LOGGING where TEMPLATE_IND=1)

<type> = replace with the unique reference of the Type (REF.CL_PROBLEM_TYPE).

Constant Parameters:

Form=CallDetails is the name of the call details page file

Mode=New is required

BTN_OK=Submit submits the Incident


URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=RequestSearchCriteria

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to access the Review Past/Current Incidents search criteria page.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

Constant Parameters:

RequestSearchCriteria is the name of the Incident Search page

The Review Past/Current Requests window can be pre-populated by appending parameters to the basic Request search URL. For a list of parameters available for the search window, refer to Request Search.

Review a Request

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=Request?&Mode=Review?&Request_No=<ref>

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to view the details of a Request.


The example URL opens the review page for Request number 22 in the portal.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<ref> = replace with the unique reference of the request (REQUEST_NO.CR_REQUEST)

Constant Parameters:

Form=Request is the name of the request page file

Mode=Review is required

Open a Request Submission Form

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=Request?&Mode=New?&Template_Ref=<ref>

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to open a submission form using a specific request template.


The example above opens the call submission form for the New Starter workflow template (request_no=99).

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<ref> = replace with the unique reference of the request (REQUEST_NO.CR_REQUEST)

Constant Parameters:

Form=Request is the name of the request page file

Mode=New is required

Log a Request

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=RequestDetails?&Mode=New&Template_Ref=<ref>?&BTN_OK=Submit

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to log a Request using a specific workflow template.


The example above opens the Logged Request confirmation page after logging a request using the New Starter workflow template (request_no=4)

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<ref> = replace with the unique reference of the workflow template (REQUEST_NO.CR_REQUEST where TEMPLATE_IND=1)

Constant Parameters:

RequestDetails is the name of the request details page file

Mode=New is required

BTN_OK=Submit submits the Incident

Review an Approval

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=Approval?&Mode=Review?&Task_No=<ref>

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to view the details of an Approval.


The example URL above opens the review page for approval number 22 in the portal.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<ref> = replace with the unique reference of the request (TASK_NO.CR_TASK)

Constant Parameters:

Form=Approval is the name of the approval page file

Mode=Review is required

Service Request Catalog

Browse the Service Request Catalog

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=ServiceCatalogSearch

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to access the Browse the Service Request Catalog search criteria page.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

Constant Parameters:

ServiceCatalogSearch is the name of the Service Request Catalog search page

The Browse the Service Request Catalog page can be pre-populated by appending parameters to the basic Service Request Catalog search URL. It is also possible to select individual Service Actions and Service Bundles, opening their submission forms. For a list of parameters available for the search window, refer to Browse the Service Request Catalog.

View details of a Service Action

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=ServiceCatalogSearch?&BTN_SERVICEACTION<ref>=Submit

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to display the details of a Service Action. From here users can choose to select the Order button or browse the Service Request Catalog.

http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form= ServiceCatalogSearch?&BTN_SERVICEACTION6=Submit

The example URL above opens the details for the "Remote Access" service action, which is the service with a REF of 6 in the database.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<ref> = replace with the unique reference of the Service Action.

Constant Parameters:

ServiceCatalogSearch is the name of the Service Request Catalog search page

BTN_SERVICEACTION<ref>=Submit adds the service to the cart and opens the submission form.

The unique ref of the Service Action must be inserted into this parameter.

View details of a Service Bundle

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=ServiceCatalogSearch?&BTN_SERVICEBUNDLE<ref>=Submit

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to display the details of a Service Bundle. From here users can review what is included and choose to select the Order button or browse the Service Request Catalog.

http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=ServiceCatalogSearch ?&BTN_SERVICEBUNDLE9=Submit

The example URL above opens the details for the "New Starter Package" service bundle, which is the service with a REF of 9 in the database.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<ref> = replace with the unique reference of the Service Bundle.

Constant Parameters:

ServiceCatalogSearch is the name of the Service Request Catalog search page

BTN_SERVICEACTION<ref>=Submit adds the service to the cart and opens the submission form.

The unique ref of the Service Bundle must be inserted into this parameter.

Create a Service Order for a Service Action or Service Bundle

URL: http://localhost/test/portal.aspx?&Form=ServiceCatalogSearch?&Quantity<ref>=<qty>?&MaxItems<ref>=<max>?&BTN_ADDTOCART<ref>=Order

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to order a service, as though selecting the Order button on a Service Action/Bundle. This takes the user to the Order submission form to complete the details and submit the order.

http://localhost/test/portal.aspx?&Form= ServiceCatalogSearch?&Quantity22=1?&MaxItems22=1?&BTN_ADDTOCART22=Order

The example URL above opens the submission form for the “ASM app” service action, which is the service action with a REF of 22 in the database.

The parameters Quantity# and MaxItems# are required, even if the variable is set to 1.

The unique ref of the Service Action/Bundle must be inserted into these parameters.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<ref> = replace with the unique reference of the Service Action/Bundle to order.

You cannot use this parameter to reference Service Actions that are configured to download objects or launch URLs.

<qty> = replace with the quantity of this item to order.

<max> = replace with the maximum number of items allowed in this order.

Constant Parameters:

ServiceCatalogSearch is the name of the Service Request Catalog search page

BTN_ADDTOCART<ref>=Order adds the service to the cart and opens the submission form.

The unique ref of the Service Action/Bundle must be inserted into this parameter.

Service Order

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=ServiceOrderSearchCriteria

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to access the Review Past/Current Service Orders search criteria page.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

Constant Parameters:

ServiceOrderSearchCriteria is the name of the Service Order search page

The Review Past/Current Service Orders window can be pre-populated by appending parameters to the basic Service Order search URL. For a list of parameters available for the search window, refer to Service Order Search.

Review a Service Order

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form=ServiceOrderSearchCriteria?&BTN_SELECT<ref>=view

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to view the details of an service order.

http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx?&Form= ServiceOrderSearchCriteria?&BTN_SELECT22=View

The example URL opens the review page for Service Order 22 in the portal.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<ref> = replace with the Service Order number

Constant Parameters:

ServiceOrderSearchCriteria is the name of the Service Order search page

BTN_SELECT<ref>=View is the function that opens the service order.

The Service Order number must be inserted into this parameter.

Last updated

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