Location Transactions

Location transactions include transactions for creating, updating, deleting and retrieving a location’s details.

Limited Support/End of Life Capabilities

The Classic API has been replaced by the Alemba RestFul API. While we will continue to support the Classic API for clients that are still using it, no further development will be done.

If you need to request a hotfix or support for these features, please contact Alemba Support

LocationCreate Transaction

The LocationCreate transaction can be used to create a new location and save its details.

Input Parameters: LocationCreateRequest

Return Values:LocationResponse

LocationUpdate Transaction

The LocationUpdate transaction can be used to open and edit the details of a location record. This transaction updates the location record and saves the changes.

Input Parameters: LocationUpdateRequest

Return Values: LocationResponse

See LocationResponse for more information.

LocationRetrieve Transaction

The LocationRetrieve transaction can be used to view the details of a location record. This transaction does not update any of the record’s details.

Input Parameters: LocationEntityRequest

Return Values: LocationRetrieveResponse

LocationDelete Transaction

The LocationDelete transaction can be used to find and delete a location record. Only status and audit trail fields are updated when a LocationDelete transaction is executed.

Input Parameters: LocationDeleteRequest

Return Values: LocationResponse

See LocationResponse for more information.