System Access URLs

In all URLs, core.aspx, is the name of the page that launches ASM Core.

Access ASM Core

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/Core.aspx

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to launch the ASM Core application.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/Core.aspx?Database=<name>

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to launch the ASM Core Application for a specific ASM System. This can be used if you have multiple systems and wish to access a specific one.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<name> = replace with the name of the ASM System you wish to access from the ASM Core Application

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/Core.aspx?NOAUTH=<Y>

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to ignore single sign-on when Windows Authentication is enabled for ASM Core. There may be situations where you have authentication enabled but you need to manually log onto the system as the administrator account.

This URL is valid only for the account with the login ID “admin”.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<Y> = replace with “Y” or “true” to display a login prompt. This prompt only accepts the default ADMIN account.

Constant Parameter:

NOAUTH = denotes bypass of authentication

Access the Self Service Portal

The inclusion of Lite in a URL denotes the Self Service Portal interface. However, in all URLs, portal.aspx, launches ASM Self-Service portal.

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/Core.aspx?Lite
URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to launch the Self Service Portal.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/Core.aspx?Lite&Database=<name>
URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/portal.aspx&Database=<name>

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to launch the Self Service Portal for a specific ASM System. This can be used if you have multiple systems, and wish to access a specific one.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<name> = replace with the name of the ASM System you wish to access from the Self Service Portal

To learn about complex http queries for the Self Service Portal, refer to ASM Self Service Portal URLs.

Access Nano

Replacing core.aspx with Nano.aspx launches the Nano interface.

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/Nano.aspx

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to launch ASM Nano.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

URL: http://<server_name>/<virtual_directory>/Nano.aspx?Database=<name>

Description of the URL

Description of Variable Parameters

Use this URL to launch ASM Core HTML. This can be used if you have multiple systems, and wish to access a specific one.

<server_name> = replace with the name, domain name or IP address of the web server

<virtual_directory> = replace with the name of the virtual directory specified in the Server Console

<name> = replace with the name of the ASM System you wish to access from Nano




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