Configuring Inbound Actions

Inbound Actions are initiated by an external system and sent to ASM Core for action. For these Actions to be passed from the external system to ASM Core, you need to configure ASM Core.

Inbound Actions are initiated by an external system and sent to ASM Core for action. For these Actions to be passed from the external system to ASM Core, you need to configure ASM Core by specifying which Actions you want to expose or make available to the external system.

In parallel, you must also configure the external system to send corresponding Outbound Actions. You must specify, in particular, what will trigger the sending of a CREATE message to ASM Core.

Adding an Inbound Action

Before you start

You must have Integration Setup selected in the Admin tab of your General Access Security Role.

  1. Select Menu and then Admin.

  2. From the submenu, select Integration.

  3. The Integration Platform Settings window appears. Select the Inbound Actions option from the explorer pane.

  4. The Integration Inbound Actions window displays all the Inbound Actions you have defined. Select from the toolbar.

  5. Specify the Inbound Action Type mapping details.

  6. Select the Save icon to save the changes.

Viewing or editing an Inbound Action

  1. Select Menu and then Admin.

  2. From the submenu, select Integration.

  3. The Integration Platform Settings window appears. Select the Inbound Actions option from the explorer pane.

  4. In the browse table, select the Inbound Action you want to view or edit and select , or double-click on the entry.

  5. The Inbound Action Type window appears. View or update the details as required.

  6. Select the Save icon to save the changes if appropriate.

Deleting an Inbound Action

  1. Select Menu and then Admin.

  2. From the submenu, select Integration.

  3. The Integration Platform Settings window appears. Select the Inbound Actions option from the explorer pane.

  4. In the browse table, select the Inbound Action you want to delete and select the Delete icon .

  5. Confirm the deletion.

Specifying the Inbound Action Type Details

The Inbound Action Type Details window allows you to define the conditions that must be met for ASM Core to receive an Inbound Action from an external system.

The following are the main steps for defining an Inbound Action:

  1. Click or select an existing inbound action and click the Action icon on the Integration Inbound Actions window.

  2. Select the entity type (that is, call or request) to be created and the template to use.

  3. Specify the call or request fields you want to make available for mapping to the fields on the external system.

  4. Select the actions (rules) you want ASM Core to take when it receives incoming messages associated with the Inbound Action.

  5. Select when ASM Core must send outgoing messages for the Inbound Action.

type a name for the Inbound Action. This is a mandatory field.


Select the ASM Core entity type that must be created when the system gets a RECEIVE message for this Inbound Action.


logs a new call


logs a new request

If you save this Inbound Action and open it later for editing, and change the Call or Request option selected at Create, a warning message appears indicating that the field and configuration data will need to be re-entered. In the warning, click Yes to reset all the field mappings and configurations, or No to cancel.


logs a new call


logs a new request

Using template

Select the Call Template or Workflow Template the system must use to create the call or request. This is a mandatory field

  1. Select the Fields tab and specify the call or request fields you want to expose to the external system. This enables communication between ASM Core and the external system.

    • To add a field, click Add.

    • In the Inbound Action Fields window, select the Simple tab. This view allows you to select the fields you want to make available to the external system. The fields shown are the ones available on the selected Call Template or Workflow Template.

    • To select a field, click the field and then click Add to transfer it to the Selected list.

    • Repeat for other data you want to make available to the external system.

    • To remove an added field, select it in the Selected list and click Remove.

    • By default, the external system will be able to view and update the added fields. To define read and write access control to the selected fields, click the Advanced tab. Select the field and clear the Can Read and Can Write options as needed, to disallow the external system read or write access to the fields.

  2. The Advanced tab also allows you to add fields, including entity reference fields (such as the User’s Email ID).

    • To add a field, at Field, select to pick a data field from the multi-tiered list. For example, from the first tier, select User. This shows all attributes associated with a person in the next tier. Double-click a field, such as Email ID, to select it.

    • To specify an alias for a field, type it in the Alias field.

    • For a linked field, such as User > Email ID, you can select Resolve reference to this field to enable the external system to use this field to find the reference to the corresponding entity, and update the field value on the call or request. For example, if you added the User > Email ID field, and you select Resolve reference to this field, the external system will populate the User field on the call or request based on the Email ID.

  3. Click OK to save your changes and close the Inbound Action Fields window.

  4. Select the Actions tab and specify the actions that ASM Core must take when it receives incoming messages and/or outgoing messages for this Inbound Action (UPDATE, NOTIFY, and CANCEL).

  5. Specify the rules for outgoing messages, as described below.

  6. Select the Save icon to save the changes.

Rules for IncomingTransactions - Inbound Actions

Rules for specifying the action that ASM Core must take when it receives an incoming message for the Inbound Action are set in the Action tab on the Inbound Action Type Details window. The rules are described below.

When Updated externally

Select the rules that ASM Core must apply when receiving an UPDATE message for this Inbound Action, specifically select the action that must be taken if the call or request logged as a result of this Inbound Action is still open:

Update automatically updates the call or request with the details of the UPDATE message received from the external system.

Add note automatically adds a note to the call or request with the details of the UPDATE message received from the external system.

Take no action ignores the UPDATE message received from the external system.

When Updated externally and Call or Request is closed

Select the rules that ASM Core must apply when receiving an UPDATE message for this Inbound Action, specifically select the action that must be taken if the call or request logged as a result of this Inbound Action is closed:

Reopen automatically reopens the call or request.

Log new and link existing automatically logs a new call or request and links the original call or request as a parent to this new call or request.

Add note leaves the call or request closed but automatically adds a note to it with the details of the UPDATE message received from the external system.

Take no action ignores the UPDATE message received from the external system.

When Notified externally

Select the rules that ASM Core must apply when receiving a NOTIFY message for this Inbound Action, specifically select the action that must be taken if the call or request logged as a result of this Inbound Action is still open:

Add note automatically adds a note to the call or request with the details of the NOTIFY message received from the external system.

Take no action ignores the NOTIFY message received from the external system.

When Notified externally and Call or Request is closed

Select the rules that ASM Core must apply when receiving a NOTIFY message for this Inbound Action, specifically select the action that must be taken if the call or request logged as a result of this Inbound Action is closed:

Add note leaves the call or request closed but automatically adds a note to the call or request with the details of the NOTIFY message received from the external system.

Take no action ignores the NOTIFY message received from the external system.

When Cancelled externally

Select the rules that ASM Core must apply when receiving a CANCEL message for this Inbound Action, specifically select the action that must be taken if the call or request logged as a result of this Inbound Action is still open:

Close automatically closes the call or request.

Update automatically updates the call or request with the details of the CANCEL message received from the external system.

Add note automatically adds a note to it with the details of the CANCEL message received from the external system.

Take no action ignores the CANCEL message received from the external system.

If child calls are present

Select the action that must be taken if the call logged as a result of this Inbound Action has calls linked as children:

Close automatically closes the calls linked as children.

Add note automatically adds a note to the child calls with the details of the CANCEL message received from the external system.

Take no action takes no action on the child calls.

When Cancelled externally and Call or Request is closed

Select the rules that ASM Core must apply when receiving a CANCEL message for this Inbound Action, specifically select the action that must be taken if the call or request logged as a result of this Inbound Action is closed:

Add note leaves the call or request closed but automatically adds a note to it with the details of the CANCEL message received from the external system.

Take no action ignores the CANCEL message received from the external system.

System changes are not rolled back when a CANCEL message is received for an Inbound Action.

Rules for Outgoing Transactions - Inbound Actions

Rules for specifying the action that ASM Core must take when it receives an outgoing message for the Inbound Action are set in the Action tab on the Inbound Action Type Details window. The rules are described below.

Send Complete / Not Complete

Select the rule that must apply for ASM Core to send a COMPLETE NOT COMPLETE message for this Inbound Action:

When resolved or closed automatically sends a COMPLETE or NOT COMPLETE message to the external system as soon as the call or request is closed or flagged as being resolved.

When closed automatically sends a COMPLETE or NOT COMPLETE message to the external system only when the call or request is closed.

A COMPLETE message will be sent when the call is closed with a status flagged as a Resolve status or when the request is closed with an implementation state flagged as an Implemented state. A NOT COMPLETE message will be sent when the call or request is closed with another status or implementation state.

Send Notify

Select for system generated history messages to send a NOTIFY message to the external system whenever a system-generated entry (such as an agreement escalation) is added to the history of the call or request logged as a result of this Inbound Action.

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