Programming with the Classic API

This section of the documentation deals with the Classic API.

ASM has an Application Programming Interface (or API), which enables you to develop programs that automate many common ASM transactions. The API is based on Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).

ASM provides a WCF service and exposes an end point which can be accessed by third party applications to call standard ASM transactions. This end point is in the location


To access this end point, you must create a WCF client and add it to your web application.

You can view code examples on how to access and use transactions made available by the ASM API. All examples have been written in VB.NET.

You can also display a list of return values returned by the API following a transaction request. A return value can signify success, a warning or an error.

You can view a list of the message types used by the API here. A complete list of message types shipped with ASM appears on the Message Types window within System Administration.

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