Common Words

You can maintain a list of common words, such as prepositions and articles, that are not indexed when ASM Core performs a text search indexing job.

This results in the indexing process being more efficient, as it returns results that are more meaningful.

If the word ‘the’ was in the list of common words, a search based on the phrase “The Bulletin” would only return search results involving the word “Bulletin”.

ASM Core provides a standard list of common words by default. You can add to and modify this list by adding or removing words according to your requirements.

Adding a Common Word

Before you start

You must have Text Retrieval Setup selected in your own General Access security role before you can add common words.

  1. Select the Menu button, then Admin, and then select System Administration. The System Administration window is displayed .

  2. Expand the Text Retrieval group, scrolling down if necessary.

  3. Select the Common Words option.

  4. A browse table of all of the common words currently held on the system appears in alphabetical order. Scroll down to see them all. Select the New icon. A blank row is inserted in the browse table.

  5. Type the name of the new word you want to add to the list. Although the words are displayed in uppercase, you can enter them in lowercase.

  6. Repeat for each word you want to add to the list.

  7. Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

  8. The list is redisplayed, with the new word(s) in uppercase, filed in alphabetical order.

Renaming a Common Word

  1. Select the Menu button, then Admin, and then select System Administration. The System Administration window is displayed.

  2. Expand the Text Retrieval group, scrolling down if necessary.

  3. From within the Text Retrieval group, select Common Words.

  4. Select the word you want to edit, scrolling down if necessary to find it.

  5. You can invert the order in which the words are displayed, so that they are ordered from Z to A, by clicking on the column title Word.

  6. Overtype with the new name. Although the words are displayed in uppercase, you can type them in lowercase.

  7. Repeat for each word you want to rename.

  8. Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

  9. The list is redisplayed, with the renamed word(s) filed in alphabetical order.

Deleting a Common Word

  1. Select the Menu button, then Admin, and then select System Administration. The System Administration window is displayed .

  2. Expand the Text Retrieval group, scrolling down if necessary.

  3. From within the Text Retrieval group, select Common Words.

  4. From the displayed list, select the word you want to delete, scrolling down if necessary.

  5. Select the Delete icon. The word disappears from the list, but the changes are not permanent until you save the changes.

  6. Repeat for each word you want to delete.

  7. Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

  8. The list is redisplayed and the changes are permanent.

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