Link Stream/Status to Call Screen Set

You can make a call screen set available to a particular IPK status and stream.

For example, if you have a created a custom screen set for the logging of hardware calls (with fields specific to hardware issues), you can link this screen set to an IPK Stream, Hardware and all IPK statuses, so that when an Analyst logs a call for the Hardware stream, the Details window associated with the Hardware screen set is used.

You can make a particular IPK status available to a stream within the IPK Streams window.

Linking a Call Screen Set to a Stream and Status

The main process for associating custom call screens to IPK streams/statuses is as follows:

  1. Define custom call screen sets.

  2. Create specific Call Details windows for any number of issues your service desk deals with.

  3. Link the screen to a defined call screen set.

  4. Link the call screen set to the selections an Analyst can make when classifying an issue, that is, to the IPK Stream/Status. This determines the Details window that will be used when the analyst logs a call and picks an IPK stream/status.

Before you start

As some parameters are read from the database at application start-up, we recommend that there are no Analysts logged on when you make changes to system settings.

You must have IPK Set Up selected in the Admin tab of your General Access Security Role to work with IPK streams.

Link Stream/Status to Call Screen Set must be selected in the IPK Settings window.

  1. Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.

    The System Administration window appears.

    In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.

  2. Select Link Stream/Status to Call Screen Set to open the window. A browse table appears in which the streams are listed in the first column, and the statuses are listed in the following ones. You can adjust the column widths if required.

  3. For each IPK stream and status combination in the browse table, use the drop down box to select a screen set. If you leave this field blank, the standard Call Details window will be displayed for this stream/status.

  4. Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

If a call screen set has been linked to a stream/status and is then deleted, it still appears in this window but will be appended with an asterisk (*). You should not select a deleted call screen set for the stream/status combination.

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