Configuring search results

Search results are usually displayed in a browse table. Much of it functions as expected and is similar to many spreadsheet applications. You can change how the information appears in a browse table as follows:

  • Change a column width

  • Select a column heading to sort the information in ascending or descending order

  • Filter items in one or more columns

  • Select which columns to display

  • Change the background and text colors

You can also export the search results to a PDF or Excel file or display them as a graph.

Using the right-click shortcut menu, you can:

  • Print all the records

  • Copy the current row or all rows to the clipboard and paste it into an external application

  • Action a call

  • Review a call

  • Export the search results to a PDF or Excel file

Administrators can change the maximum number of results that are returned, and how often search results are refreshed. For information about the Browse Refresh Interval, see System Settings.

You can Select All Records using the right-click menu, or CTRL-A (windows), or CMD-A (Mac). To select multiple results, select and hold CTRL (Windows)/CMD (Mac) and select each of the items in turn. Or select and hold SHIFT and select a range.

Selecting which columns to display

You can select which columns are displayed in a browse table. These changes are for personal use only and will not affect other analysts.

  1. In the View Columns For field, select the entity type, for example Requests or Calls.

    On some windows, this option is grayed out if there is no choice. For example on the Call Search window, Calls is the only option.

  2. If required, in the Filter by Screen Set field, select the multi-tier selector button to find and filter by a relevant screen set.

  3. If required, in the Available Columns list, select one or more columns that you want to display in your search results, then select Add to include them in the Selected Columns list.

    You can select multiple columns using SHIFT-select for consecutive columns, or CTRL-select for non-consecutive columns. Alternatively, you can double-click a column title to include it in the list. You can display up to 15 columns.

  4. If you want to remove a column from the Selected Columns list, select the unwanted column, then select Remove. Alternatively, you can double-click a column title to remove it from the list.

  5. If you want to change the order in which the columns appear in the results table, in the Selected Columns list, select a column and select Move Up or Move Down to change its position.

  6. Select OK to save the changes and apply your changes to the browse table.

Choosing background and text colors

You can color code the records in call, task and request search results and most outstanding browse tables. These changes are for personal use only and will not affect other analysts.

  1. In the Color By drop-down list, select the criteria you want to color code by.

    The Color By list contains list-based columns (such as Call Priority) from the Selected Columns list. Your selection dynamically populates the Values table.

  2. In the Values table, select alongside the value you want to edit.

  3. If required, select the Bold checkbox to make the value text appear bold.

  4. If required, select a Background color from the drop-down list, then click Apply.

  5. If required, select a Font color from the drop-down list, then click Apply.

  6. Select OK to save the value.

  7. If required, repeat for other values.

  8. Select OK to apply your changes to the displayed results.

  9. Select Restore Defaults to restore the original settings.

Take action on calls

If the browse table contains calls, you can take action on a listed call. You must have the correct privileges in order to see this option.

  1. Right-click the specific call, then select Action.

  2. The call appears, enabling you to perform actions on it.

Review calls

If the browse table contains calls, you can review a past or current call. You must have the correct privileges in order to see this option.

  1. Right-click the specific call, then select Review to view the call.

  2. The call appears in read-only mode allowing you to view the details, but not make changes.

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