User Survey
You can view, create and delete User Survey systems on ASM Core. Each survey system includes a set of rules about how the surveys are to be sent out and the message to be used in the email.
Multiple surveys can be configured.
This is a custom designed application that enables the creation of email messages containing links to surveys to be sent out automatically to Users on closing calls. The Users can fill out the survey, describing the quality of the service they received in relation to the issue, and this information is entered into the ASM database.
The scope and frequency of the surveys, and the fields contained within them, can be configured to obtain exactly the information wanted. The subject and message of the email can also be configured.
Creating a Survey System
Before you start
As some parameters are read from the database at application start-up, we recommend that there are no Analysts logged on when you make changes to system settings.
Ensure you are in the correct partition before applying the settings.
You must have IPK Setup selected in the Admin tab of your General Access Security Role in order to configure any IPK administration settings.
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.
The System Administration window appears.
In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.
Select User Survey to open the window. Existing User Surveys are displayed in a browse table. You can adjust the column widths if required.
Select the Plus icon. This opens the New System window.
Choose whether the survey is for calls or requests, type the name of the survey system and select Ok.
This opens the User Survey Details window. This window has three tabs:
By default, this view opens, allowing you to select the options used to determine how the surveys are sent out.
Enables you to specify the survey form to use, and set the survey URL that Users will use to complete the survey.
Enables you to define the message template to use for the email sent out for the surveys.
6. Once all details have been completed, select . The names of all the current survey systems are displayed on this window, along with the final date from which closed calls are used to generate surveys for that system.
Editing a Survey System
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.
The System Administration window appears.
In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.
Select User Survey to open the window. Existing User Surveys are displayed in a browse table. You can adjust the column widths if required.
Select the system you want to edit and select the pencil icon.
This opens the User Survey Details window. This window has three tabs:
By default, this view opens, allowing you to select the options used to determine how the surveys are sent out.
Enables you to specify the survey form to use, and set the survey URL that Users will use to complete the survey.
Enables you to define the message template to use for the email sent out for the surveys.
5. Make the necessary changes.
6. Save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.
Deleting a Survey System
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.
The System Administration window appears.
In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.
Select User Survey to open the window. Existing User Surveys are displayed in a browse table. You can adjust the column widths if required.
To delete an existing system, select the row and select the delete icon.
Save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.
Configuring Distribution Options in User Survey Details
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.
The System Administration window appears.
In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.
Select User Survey to open the window.
To add a new User Survey, select the "new" icon, give the survey a name, then select Ok. To update an existing survey, select the survey from the browse table and select the edit icon to display the User Survey Details window.
On the Distribution tab, complete the following details:
Calls Closed From
Select the starting date from which Open-Resolved or Closed calls will have surveys generated. No calls with a date earlier than this will be selected for surveys by ASM Core.
**Selecting a past date may result in a large number of surveys being generated on the first survey cycle as it includes calls that are already closed/resolved.
**Selecting a future date results in no surveys being sent until that date and only for calls closed/resolved after that date.
When editing an existing Survey, this field displays the date that was set at the previous Save. If changing the selection criteria, such as Group or Organization, consider the closed/resolved date of the calls the new criteria will be applied to:
To apply the new criteria to calls closed/resolved after the date of the edit, change the date value to today's date.
To apply the new criteria to calls closed/resolved since the past date displayed, and potentially generate a large number or surveys, the date does not need to be changed.
Select the checkbox to specify one or more support groups (the groups who closed or resolved the calls) for this particular support system.
Groups Selection
Select the group(s) to be included in the survey and use the buttons to the right of the table to include/exclude the groups.
To link the survey to a particular organization (typically this represents the User base for the survey), check the box and from the drop-down below the groups’ list, select AND to apply the survey to calls linked to both the group and the organization, or OR to apply the survey to calls related to the resolving group or the organization. Then search for and select the organization.
Min Time
To specify a minimum number of days between email messages for each User, select Set Minimum and specify a minimum number of days you want to set as the minimum in the Days field. By default, a system is set with no minimum. Setting a minimum time prevents Users from receiving the same survey if multiple calls for the User are closed in a short period of time.
For the purposes of calculating the minimum number of days, ASM Core checks the last time the User was sent a survey email, not the last time a call was closed. This distinction may be important, depending on how often you are running the polling service.
To reduce server load or database size, specify a particular percentage of Closed or Open-Resolved calls that should generate the survey. ASM Core will only send out that proportion of survey email messages (that is, the total possible number multiplied by this percentage). For example, enter 50 if you want to send out half the number of potential surveys.
ASM Core applies all other filters first (minimum number of days, group, organization, etc.) before excluding calls based upon the percentage. Calls are excluded according to an arbitrary selection process. Users who do not have a valid email ID are not included in the total count of calls against which the percentage is measured.
5. Make any required changes to the Content and Email tabs.
6. Save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.
Configuring Content Options in User Survey Details
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.
The System Administration window appears.
In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.
Select User Survey to open the window.
To add a new User Survey, select the New Icon , give the survey a name, then select Ok. To update an existing survey, select the survey from the browse table and select the edit icon to display the User Survey Details window.
Select the Content tab. Here you can determine the content of the survey, that is, the pre-built form on which the survey is based.
Survey Form
Select an option to determine the survey page the User will complete. When the User Survey email is sent to a User it contains a URL link to this survey form. The URL in the email will be similar to the URL used for logging into the ASM Core application. The survey form can be a default, a custom, or any other form.
Specify the URL for the survey. You can either use the default MMA URL defined for your system, or specify a custom URL.
Use MMA URL derives the survey URL from the MMA URL configured in the Server Console for the ASM System.
"Use Custom URL" activates the Custom URL field where you can specify a fully qualified URL to point to the location where your survey form is located. This URL must point to a valid ASM System.
You may choose to use a URL other than the MMA URL in cases where User Survey respondents have different permissions or are located outside of the network. In this case, an alternate URL might be more accessible or may perform extra checks on the survey respondents.
The naming convention for the URL is http://server/virtualdirectory/surveyname.asp where: server is the name or address of the application server that ASM Core is installed on; virtualdirectory is the name of the virtual directory that is set up for the surveys; surveyname.asp is the name of the survey you are using.
5. Make any required changes to the Distribution and Email tabs.
6. Save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.This returns you to the User Survey window.
Configuring Email Options in User Survey Details
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.
The System Administration window appears.
In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.
Select User Survey to open the window.
To add a new User Survey, select the New icon, give the survey a name, then select Ok. To update an existing survey, select the survey from the browse table and select to display the User Survey Details window.
Select the Email tab to display the email options.
At Message Template list, select the template that is to be applied to the message for this survey. Message templates can be configured in ASM Designer by analysts with the required permission.
Make any required changes to the Distribution and Content tabs.
Save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.
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