User Survey Screen Set

You can define User Survey screen sets. These are then selected when you define the content for User Surveys. You can create, update, delete, and restore User Survey screen sets.

Creating a User Survey Screen Set

Before you start

As some parameters are read from the database at application start-up, we recommend that there are no Analysts logged on when you make changes to system settings.

Ensure you are in the correct partition before applying the settings.

You must have IPK Setup selected in the Admin tab of your General Access Security Role.

  1. Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.

    The System Administration window appears.

    In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.

  2. Select User Survey Screen Set to open the window. A list of existing screen sets is displayed. To view deleted screen sets, select the Show Deleted radio button.

  3. Select the row to display the User Survey Screen Set Details window.

  4. Complete the details.

Type the name you wish to specify for this User Survey screen set. This field is mandatory.

Call/Request Screen Set

Use the drop-down list to select a screen set. This determines which fields will be available for use in the User Survey screens in the User Survey screen set. This field is mandatory.

5. The Screens browse table displays all the screens and message templates in the screen set. By default, a new User Survey screen set inherits the screens and templates in the default screen set, User Survey. If you have permission to configure screens using ASM Designer, you can do so by selecting Open Designer.

6. Select Save. You are returned to the User Survey Screen Sets window.

Updating a User Survey Screen Set

  1. Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.

    The System Administration window appears.

    In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.

  2. Select User Survey Screen Set to open the window. A list of existing screen sets is displayed. To view deleted screen sets, select the Show Deleted radio button.

  3. From the browse table, select the screen set entry you want to update. (You cannot update a deleted screen set.)

  4. Select the Edit icon.

  5. Update the details as necessary.

  6. Save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

Deleting a User Survey Screen Set

  1. Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.

    The System Administration window appears.

    In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.

  2. Select User Survey Screen Set to open the window. A list of existing screen sets is displayed. To view deleted screen sets, select the Show Deleted radio button.

  3. From the browse table, select the screen set entry you want to delete.

  4. Select the Delete icon.

5. A warning message window appears. Select Yes to delete the selected call screen set or No to cancel your action.

6. Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

Restoring a User Survey Screen set

  1. Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.

    The System Administration window appears.

    In the Explorer pane, expand IPK Management.

  2. Select User Survey Screen Set to open the window. A list of existing screen sets is displayed.

  3. Select the Show Deleted option.

  4. From the browse table of deleted entries, select the screen set entry you wish to restore.

  5. Select the Restore Icon. The restored screen set appears when you select the Show Active option.

  6. Save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

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