API WSTester Application

ASM provides an API Test application (WStester) that can be used to run transactions via the web service to test whether they work as desired.

In order to use the API Test application, you must first configure the WSTester web.config file to point to the ASM end point address before running any transactions.

Object uploads cannot be done via the Web Service Tester. This is because a file object is a binary array that cannot be entered in a text field, and the Web Service API tester does not allow for binary fields. To test object uploads, you must use an API.

Configuring the WSTester Endpoint

In order the use the API test application, you must first configure the end point address, to which the application will connect. To do this, navigate to the following folder:

<installation directory>\alemba\ASM\<system name>\WStester

Open the web.config file in a text editing tool, such as Notepad.

In the web.config file, change the endpoint address (this is located at the bottom of the file) so it points to the ASM Web service. The end point address follows the format:


Accessing WSTester

You can reach the WSTester test application via the URL


Testing the LogIn Transaction

The first transaction to be tested is the login transaction, which will also log you in to the system so you can test further transactions.

Enter a username, password, database and URL and click the Login button.

The URL will take the form:


You will then be taken to the Transactions window, where you can test various API transactions against the system you have logged into.

Use Transactions

You can expand and collapse the categories of transactions by clicking on the +/- buttons next to each transaction group name. Click on any of the transaction names to go to the window for that specific transaction.

The fields displayed will vary depending on the specific transaction window. Any Enumerated fields will display as a dropdown list, while Boolean values will display as a checkbox.

For more information on the different parameter types available in the API, see Parameter Types.

Complete some or all of these fields before clicking the Submit button to test the transaction.

Once you have clicked the Submit button, the Transaction Results window will be displayed. This window shows the status codes and any messages generated. Note that a status of 0 indicates a successful transaction, and no message will be displayed. If you receive an error and want to modify the values you have specified, click Back. You can check the ASM app to view the result of a successful transaction.

To view a list of all transactions, click All Trans.

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