Add Notes - Updating Your Tickets

The Add Note Explorer option enables you to add a note to the current call or request.

The Add Note Explorer option enables you to add a note to the current call or request. This is a useful functionality when a call or request has been forwarded to another person and you do not currently own it, or do not want to take ownership of it, but you wish to add some details to it.

When a note is made, it is added to the history of the request, where it can be selected and viewed by all handling analysts.

Before you start

Notes can only be added to a call or request that is open. If you try to add a note to a request or call that is closed, ASM Core displays a warning message stating that it cannot be updated.

  1. You can add notes to a call, request or task in either of the following ways:

    • Select the Add Note explorer option from the Call, Request or Task Details window.

    • Select the Add Note icon on the toolbar of a Requests Outstanding or Calls Outstanding window.

It is not necessary to Take Action on a ticket in order to add a note. This is useful for updating calls and requests where you do not want to take ownership.

  1. In the Explorer pane, expand Communication, then select Add Note to display the <request/call number> Add Note window. This window already includes the reference number, user and description of the current call/request.

  2. Complete the details.

Type your note details.

Visible in Portal

Select to make the note visible to the user who logged the call/request through the Self Service Portal.

By default, request notes are visible on the Portal.

In ASM HERMES and above, the content will appear in the conversation widget if the box is checked. If it is unchecked, the note will remain internal/private.

Send Email, Send Internal Message and/or Send Pager

Select the notification method(s) to use to alert the current handling analyst that a note has been added to the call/request.

If you are adding a note to the call/request where the recipient is an MMA analyst (or group whose members are MMA analysts), an email is sent regardless of whether or not you select Email on the Add Note window.

If you are the Request Manager and you add a note to your request, you will not receive an email notification.

If you are adding a note to a call, use the following options as needed

Close FCB, Close Resp

Select these options to complete the corresponding SLA event if an SLA is currently active on the call. These options allow you to close first call back or response events without taking action on a call. This is especially useful when an OLA is in effect, and you want to close off these events after updating the user without re-invoking the OLA. Note that these options do not actually notify the user, but inform the system that you have updated the user about the status of their call.

ASM adds a note to the call history mentioning that the user has been updated.

Email Forum

Select this option to send a notification to any forum attached to the call. This option is disabled if there are no forums attached to the call.

  1. Click OK to save your note.

The IND column for the call, request, or task on the Calls, Requests, or Tasks Outstanding window will show a note icon.

Your system may be configured to update the Last Action Time whenever you add a note to a call.

Depending on your system configuration, the Last Action Time field of the call/request may be updated when you add a note.

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