Defining a Request Risk
Before you start
You must have Workflow Management Set Up enabled within your General Access Security Role to work with request risks.
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration. The System Administration window appears. In the Explorer pane, expand Workflow Management.
Select the Request Risk option to display the window. You can adjust the column widths if required.
Select the New icon. A blank row is inserted in the browse table.
Type the name for the risk in the Name field.
To set a particular risk as the default, select the checkbox in the Default column. The selected risk will be set by default on the Request Details window.
A default must be selected. This is then used if the Analyst does not specify a risk level when creating a request.
Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.
Changing the Order of Request Risks
You can change the order in which request risks appear in the drop-down list in the Request Details window.
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration. The System Administration window appears. In the Explorer pane, expand Workflow Management.
Select the Request Risk option. The Request Risk window appears. A browse table displays all of the existing risks.
Adjust the order of the priorities in the table by using the and buttons.
Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.
Deleting a Request Risk
If you delete a risk, you cannot reverse this procedure. Even if you create another request risk with the same name as a deleted one, the links to existing requests will not be re-established. Requests linked to deleted risks display an asterisk beside the risk name. You cannot delete the risk designated as the Default.
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration. The System Administration window appears. In the Explorer pane, expand Workflow Management.
Select Request Risk. A browse table displays all of the existing risks.
Select the risk you want to delete. Select . If you attempt to delete the system default, you will receive a warning message.
Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.
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