Generating an ASM statistics report

The ASM Statistics Tool enables users to troubleshoot problems in conjunction with Alemba® Support, by generating a report on their system statistics.

The statistics may include: metadata on system usage, summary statistics, ASM file versions and server version information. This information is used solely by Alemba® for troubleshooting and improving the product.

Applicable to Systems below HERMES (ASM Version 10.6)

Alemba® cannot identify or contact individual users from this information.

The ASM Statistics Tool gathers information from all ASM System servers that are connected to the same database, with ASM Administrative Service running.

Results from each server are included in the report.

To generate a System Statistics report:

  1. Select Menu, then Help, then ASM Statistics.

  2. The ASM Statistics window appears.

  3. If required, in the Additional Email Address field, you can specify an additional email recipient address.

  4. The ASM System automatically sends the report to Alemba® Support.

  5. Select Execute to generate and then email the report.

    Alemba®. To cancel the report, select Cancel.

  6. Select Close to close the window.

Reports are stored here by default: c:\Program Files\Alemba\ASM\SystemName\Log

Users can participate in ASM development by submitting monthly system statistics to Alemba®, who analyze it for usage patterns and identify and prioritize enhancements and new features. For more information, see System Settings on page 1.

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