A call is logged by first completing the fields on the Call Details window, receiving an incoming email, or a user completing the call logging form on the portal. Calls can also be logged through Chat. Once a call is logged, it is actioned and and finally closed nad/or resolved.
The way you log a call depends on whether or not you are using ITIL. The menus and buttons displayed in a non-ITIL versus ITIL implementation are different. These differences are highlighted below.
Main steps in logging a call
Display the Call Details window in one of the following ways:
Action it from search results
Open it through the MMA URL found in the email notification
Create a new call
The Call Details window appears.
On an IPK Tiers-enabled system, the window title depends on the IPK Status. Therefore, if you selected Incident, you will see the window title Incident Details followed by the unique number that is automatically allocated to all types of call.
Complete the fields.
After completing the call details, finish your action against the call:
Forward the call internally to an analyst or group.
Forward the call externally to a third party support company
Defer (change the state/status) or save the call to work on it later.
Close the call if you can solve the user’s issue without needing to refer it elsewhere.
You can carry out further tasks on the call using the explorer options.
The default Incident, Major Incident, Problem, and Service Request windows contain the same fields. In addition to the fields on the Incident and Problem windows, the Known Error window contains the Workaround field that can be used to record the solution to the problem at hand, and the Environment field that identifies where the issue was identified.
Actions on a call, including the date and time when the call was logged, are automatically recorded in the call history.
Rules for selecting a call screen set and/or Call Details screen
The Call Details screen you will use to log a call depends on how your administrator has configured IPK Management on your system, and if you are using different call screens configured through ASM Designer. The following rules apply, regardless of whether you are using ITIL IPK tiers:
If you log a call using a call screen set that has been deleted, the parent call screen set will be used. This means that the Call Details window associated with the parent screen set is used.
If a call screen set has had its Call Details window deleted through ASM Designer, any new call you log for this call screen set will use the parent call screen set’s Call Details window.
If the system administrator changes the call screen set associated with either the IPK stream/status, IPK type/stream/status combination, or type, previous calls logged under that call screen set automatically use the new call screen set. Thus when you update such a call, it will use the Call Details window associated with the new call screen set.
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