Recipients can be defined from the following areas of ASM Core:
sending an email or message
creating messaging tasks and User approval tasks
forwarding a task to multiple recipients
creating a call forum
specifying expiry notifications for contracts
configuring an IPK or Workflow group’s escalation and breach recipients
adding an analyst's escalation recipients
adding threshold notification recipients on Software Products or Inventories
adding recipients for agreement breaches and escalation thresholds
defining recipients for integration scheduling, or event management fault notifications
associating recipients with issue types.
The options in the Find Recipients window will vary slightly, depending on the window you are working in when you launch the search for recipients. You can use it to find or add a:
Person/User. This is only available from certain windows
Organization. This is only available from certain windows
Email address. This is only available from certain windows
Stakeholder. This is only available from certain windows
Other (a field). This is only available from certain windows
If your system is partitioned, you will only see those Analysts and Users who are part of the relevant partition. If the entity is partitioned, you will see the Analysts and Users in that partition, otherwise you will see the Analysts and Users in your own partition.
Finding a Person
Select the People option. (This is usually selected by default.)
Identify whether the person is a User, an analyst or an external contact. You can select more than one category, unless you are adding recipients to a User Approval task, in which case you can only select Users.
Type in the person's name or use the % wildcard to include all names.
Search for them by Organization or Group.
Identify whether they are members of an IPK or Workflow Group to update the Group column with either the default IPK/Workflow group for the person.
Select Find to display a list of matching results in the Results table.
Select the person or people you want as recipients. You can use Shift or Ctrl click to select multiple instances and then select Add. The names should appear in the Selected Recipients box.
Select OK.
Finding an IPK or Workflow Group
Select the Group option.
Identify the type of group by selecting/deselecting the IPK Groups and Workflow Groups boxes.
Type the Name of the group, or use the % wildcard to include all names.
Select Find to display a list of matching results in the Results table.
Select the group(s) you want as recipients and then select Add. The names should appear in the Selected Recipients box.
Select OK.
Specifying an Email Address (This option is only available from certain windows)
Select the Email Address option.
Type in the Email Address and select Add.
The address should appear in the Selected Recipients box.
Select OK.
Finding a Recipient based on a Field (Other)
Use this option if the individual recipient will differ but the type of recipient is consistent, such as configuring the request creator as the recipient of a User Approval task.
Select the Other option.
Scroll through the list of available fields
Select the field(s) you want as recipients and then select Add. The field names should appear in the Selected Recipients box.
Select OK.
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