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You can:
view call and task actions for yourself and other analysts
add, update and delete actions on tasks and calls
view the timeline for task and call actions
delete timesheet entries
You must have Timesheet selected in the Timesheet tab of your General Access security role to create call and task timesheet entries for calls you own. To view other Analysts’ timesheets, you must have View Other Analysts’ Timesheets selected, and to view the timesheet entries for all Analysts in the groups to which you belong, you must have Timesheet for Group selected in the same tab.
Select > View > TimeSheet.
The Timesheet window appears, with a filter pane on the left and the main pane divided into two further panes - the top one showing task actions and the bottom showing call actions. Both panes have their own set of toolbar buttons. At the top of each pane you can also see the number of actions, the total time committed and the expense.
Filter the search results as required.
Select the Previous or Next button to view the previous or next day, week or month. You can also filter on the following details.
Select above either or both of the results panes to refresh the information, if necessary to see the filtered records. You can adjust the column widths if required.
To view one of the actions in more detail, select it and then select .
In addition to the standard buttons, the following buttons are available from this window.
Actions created in the Timesheet window appear in the Task History window of the relevant Task Details or Approval Details windows, and vice versa. You can add timesheet entries for existing requests.
To be able to log a new task action, one of the following conditions must be met:
the request is open and you are the current owner of the task
you are or have been the manager of the request
you have actioned any task linked to the request
You must have Create Request selected in the Requests tab of your Workflow Management security role.
Select > View > TimeSheet.
Select at the top of the Task Results pane.
The Task Timesheet Details window appears. Complete the details.
Select to spell check the description you have typed. Then complete the rest of the details.
Select Save to save the action to the appropriate task. The Timesheet window appears.
Select at the top of the Task Results pane to see the new action if necessary.
You can add timesheet entries for existing calls. Actions created in the Timesheet window appear in the Call History window of the relevant Call Details windows, and vice versa.
You must have actioned the call at some point. ASM Core goes through the call history to determine whether you have actioned the call.
Select > View > TimeSheet.
Select at the top of the Call Results pane.
The Call Timesheet Details window appears. Complete the details.
Select to spell check the description you have typed. Then complete the rest of the details.
Select Save to save the action to the appropriate call. The Timesheet window appears.
Select at the top of the Call Results pane to see the new action if necessary.
If you have several actions that are very similar, you can create one and then clone it, updating the details where necessary in the individual actions.
View the task and call actions.
Select the action you want to copy from the table in the results pane.
Select the button at the top of the relevant pane.
An identical action appears beneath the existing one. Select it and then select to update the details as necessary.
View the task and call actions.
Select the action you want to copy from the table in the results pane.
An identical action appears beneath the existing one. Select it and then select .
Depending on the type of entry selected, the Task Timesheet Details window or the Call Timesheet Details window appears. Update the details as necessary.
You can only delete those timesheet entries that you have added through the Timesheet window, and not through the Call Details or Task Details window.
Select > View > TimeSheet.
In the Filter pane, select the Added through Timesheet filter option for both tasks and calls, and deselect Added through Task Details and Added through call details if necessary.
All task and call actions created through the Timesheet window display. Select the button at the top of the relevant results pane to display the filtered results if necessary.
Select the entry you want to delete by clicking on the corresponding row.
Select at the top of the results pane.
Confirm the deletion in the warning box.
You can view your task and call actions in a graphical format in the Timesheet window. The timeline is a chart for tasks and calls. The chart is plotted for the dates and other filter options you have set. It shows the budget and actual time for each task and call action. In this view, you can easily decipher how long a task has been running and do a comparison of the budget versus actual time and costs.
View the task/call actions.
Set the filters to view your or another analyst’s task and call actions. The actions are displayed in the corresponding panes.
Select the button in the relevant results pane. The timeline appears.
To close the chart view and return to the table view, select the button.
By default, this field displays your (logged in analyst) name. If you wish, see Using the search function to select another Analyst.
Displays the current date by default. If you want to search for task and call actions within a specified date range, use the button to select the first date in the range.
Displays the current date by default. If you want to search for task and call actions within a specified date range, use the button to select the last date in the range.
Select this option to view actions for the current day only
Select this option to view actions for any day (defaults to today)
Select this option to view actions for the week ending on the specified To date. For example, if you are viewing actions for 11 June and then you select the Week option, actions for the period 04 June through 11 June are displayed.
Select this option to view actions for the month ending on the current date. For example, if you are viewing actions for 11 June and then you select the Month option, all actions for the period 11 May through 11 June are displayed.
The fields below this heading relate only to task actions
Added through Timesheet
Shows entries added through the Timesheet window. This is selected by default.
Show Tasks with Zero Time
Select this option to display task entries on which less than one minute has been spent.
Show Closed Requests
Select this option to show tasks that are part of closed requests.
The fields below this heading relate only to call actions
Added through call details
Select this option to show entries added through the Call Details window
Added through timesheet
Select this option to show entries added through the Timesheet window
Show calls with zero time
Select this option to display call entries on which less than one minute has been spent
Show closed calls
Select this option to show calls that have been closed
Select an active task or any tasks on which you have worked, which are related to the request number selected above. The task’s description displays in the Description field. You cannot modify the description.
If your system is set up for security profiles, select the security profile you want to apply to the timesheet action from the list.
Add a description, if required.
If your system is set up for HTML text formatting, you can use the HTML formatting toolbar to format your description.
Timesheet Action
From the list, select the action that pertains to this task.
Timesheet actions for tasks are defined on the Task Action Types window.
Add a description, if required.
If your system is set up for HTML text formatting, you can use the HTML formatting toolbar to format your description.
Self Service Portal
Select to make this action visible in the Self Service Portal.
Start Date
The date and time when the action was created. The current date and time are automatically displayed, but if necessary you can change them using the and buttons.
This must be earlier than the End Date.
End Date
The date and time when the action was created. The current date and time are automatically displayed, but if necessary you can change them using the and buttons.
This must be later than the Start Date. It is automatically updated if the Time Spent is specified and it conflicts.
Time Spent
The hours and minutes spent on the task. This is automatically completed based on the details entered in the Start Date and End Date fields, but can be manually updated.
Action Expenses
If appropriate, complete the field (this can be added at a later time). ASM Core sums the values in the Hrs and Mins fields and Action Expenses fields, and displays the total on the Timesheet window on the toolbar.
If your system is set up for security profiles, select the security profile you want to apply from the list.
The call description appears. You cannot modify it from this window.
Timesheet Action
From the list, select the action that pertains to this call.
Timesheet actions for calls are defined on the Task Action Types window.
Add a description, if required.
If your system is set up for HTML text formatting, you can use the HTML formatting toolbar to format your description.
Self Service Portal
Select to make this action visible in the Self Service Portal.
Start Date
The date and time when the action was created. The current date and time are automatically displayed, but if necessary you can change them using the and buttons.
This must be earlier than the End Date.
End Date
The date and time when the action was created. The current date and time are automatically displayed, but if necessary you can change them using the and buttons.
This must be later than the Start Date. It is automatically updated if the Time Spent is specified and it conflicts.
Time Spent
The hours and minutes spent on the action. This is automatically completed based on the details entered in the Start Date and End Date fields, but can be manually updated.
Action Expenses
If appropriate, complete the field (this can be added at a later time). ASM Core sums the values in the Hrs and Mins fields and Action Expenses fields, and displays the total on the Timesheet window on the toolbar.