Your Organization
You can define the name of your organization or company and view licensing information.
Before you start
You must have System Settings selected in your General Access security role to configure system settings.
Select Admin > System Administration. The System Administration window appears.
In the Explorer pane, expand System, then select Your Organization. The Your Organization window appears. All fields except the Organization Name field, are read-only.
In the Organization Name field, type the Organization name. It can be a maximum of 60 characters long.
Select 💾 to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.
Viewing your Organization’s Licensing Information
Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration.
The System Administration window appears.
In the Explorer pane, expand System, then select Your Organization. The current organization name appears, beneath which is a quick summary of the number of licensed analysts and a table containing a list of modules and connectors.
Named Analysts
The number of licensed named analysts
Licenses are linked to specific analysts who are actually named in the system. Sharing of licenses is not permitted.
Concurrent Analysts
The number of analysts that may be logged in at any one time, in addition to the named analysts.
Note: Concurrent Licensing has been depricated. Systems currently using concurrent licenses are still supported.
Expiry Date
The date on which the license expires. If an expiry date is present, the module is most likely an evaluation version and expires on the date displayed. If the expiry date is “Never” then the module is fully licensed.
A list of all modules. A green tick to the left indicates a licensed module.
The licensed integration platform connectors. A green tick to the left indicates a licensed connector. A grayed out cross indicates the connector is not licensed.