Managing Cost Centers
You can also record transactions (such as allocate or reserve a software licenses to a person or configuration item) against a particular Cost Center.
You can also group cost centers to Jurisdictions and allocate Jurisdictions to analysts, if you wish to restrict the cost centers the analyst is allowed to select when adding a transaction.
Adding a Cost Center
Before you start
You must have Cost Center New selected in the Cost Centers tab of your Configuration Management security role.
This is not selected by default for the All role.
Select New > Cost Center.
You can also add Cost Centers by selecting Add New on the Cost Center Search window.
Complete the details.
Parent Cost Center
Use the Q/D button to select a parent Cost Center
Select a category from the drop down list.
Categories are defined in the Cost Center Category window in System Admin.
Type a description for the Cost Center, formatting it as you wish.
Now you can link the cost center to other CMDB items. You can also use the options in the explorer pane to carry out further tasks.
Select Ok to save the details, or Save New to save the details and display a blank window, ready for recording details of another new cost center.
Searching for Cost Centers
Select Search > Cost Center.
The Cost Center Search window is divided into two panes. You can select the criteria for the search in the left pane. The results are displayed in the right pane.
Filter your search using the search criteria in the left panel. You can apply as many filters as you wish (some of the fields require you to select a check box for that criteria to apply).
Select to include deleted cost centers
If you are using partitioning, select a Partition to filter cost centers by a specific partition
Include Deleted Field Values
Select to include deleted field values in your search. This updates the selected fields with values that have been deleted for those fields. For example, if you are searching for a cost center by Created By, and you select Include Deleted Field Values, the Created By list will be updated to display people that were created and subsequently deleted. You can then select a deleted value from the list, and conduct your search
Select the check box to search Cost Centers by name. Then insert a % symbol in the field below to search on all names, or part or all of the name you want to search for and use the Q/D button.
Select the check box to search Cost Centers by jurisdiction. Then insert a % symbol in the field below to search on all jurisdictions, or part or all of the name and use the Q/D button.
Linked Person
Select the check box to search Cost Centers by linked people. Then insert a % symbol in the field below to search on all names, or part or all of the name you want to search for and use the Q/D button.
Linked Organization
Select the check box to search Cost Centers by linked organization. Then insert a % symbol to search on all organizations, or part or all of the name you want to search for in the field below and use the Q/D button.
Equal, Equal + Below, Equal + Above
Select one of the options to include or exclude subsidiary items in Q/D searches:
Equal limits the search to only items created against this value, so if an Organization Head Office was selected, only items linked to Head Office will be displayed.
Equal + Below includes items of the specified value and subsidiary items, so Head Office and all subsidiaries will be displayed.
Equal + Above includes all items of the specified value and any parent values, so Head Office and the Organization it is part of will be displayed.
Linked CMDB Item
Select the check box to search Cost Centers by linked CMDB item. Then insert a % symbol to search on all linked items, or part or all of the name you want to search for in the field below and use the Q/D button.
Select Search. The results are displayed in a browse table located in the right hand pane.
From here, you can do any of the following:
to view a selected Cost Center
to refresh the window
to delete a selected Cost Center
to adjust the columns
to print the results
Updating a Cost Center
Select the Action icon to display the details of your Cost Center in edit mode.
Make the necessary changes.
You can also link the cost center to other CMDB items or use the options in the explorer pane to carry out further tasks.
Select Ok to save the details, or Save New to save the details and display a blank window, enabling you to create another cost center.
Deleting a Cost Center
Search for the cost center. When you have located it on the browse table of search results, select it and then click the Delete icon.
If you want to view the details before deleting the cost center, select the Action icon to display them, and then the Delete icon from the details window.