Upgrading/Installing ASM to GAIA Step by Step Guide

Getting the install files - PowerShell Script

There are 2 ways to start the upgrade/install ASM; This is the recommended approach: Run PowerShell V5 or later as an Administrator and execute the following script:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process -Force; Invoke-WebRequest "https://alembareleases.blob.core.windows.net/asm- core/eos_latest" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\Download_ASMCore.ps1"; Invoke-Expression "$env:TEMP\Download_ASMCore.ps1";

The script will download the necessary files and prompt for various information as required GO TO STEP 3, Entering Parameters

The following values can be set using environment variables for non-interactive installation and can also be set as arguments for the command. For Example:

Invoke-Expression “.\windows-install.ps1 -connectionString $connectionstring”
Getting the install files–Non-Interactive Installation

The install process also supports non-interactive installation (e.g. via remote PowerShell) if your application server does not have a direct Internet Connection.

  1. In this case, all parameters must be set either as machine level environment variables or must be added to the registered key vault before install.ps1 is executed.

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ASM_ConnectionString", "Server=localhost;Database=asm;User ID=sa;Password=password", 'Machine')
  1. Download package.zip and install.ps1 and copy these files to the same location on your server.

You can download the files manually from here:

  • https://alembareleases.blob.core.windows.net/asm- core/[EosBuildNumber]/package.zip

  • https://alembareleases.blob.core.windows.net/asm- core/[EosBuildNumber]/Windows-Install.ps1

The [EosBuildNumber] can be found in the Eos Release Notes e.g. “Eos”

  1. Run PowerShell as an administrator and execute Windows-Install.ps1

Entering Parameters

After downloading the files, the process will start and the script will ask for parameters as an interactive installation: (Click here for all parameters and properties)

Enter a value for Connection String:
Enter a value for Hostname (press enter to use 'localhost'): 
Enter a value for System Name (press enter to use 'production'): 
Enter a value for Certificate Thumbprint:
Enter a value for Certificate Store Location (press enter to use 'My'):
Enter a value for Install prerequisites [y or n] (press enter to use 'y')
Enter a value for Replace existing versions [y to replace (recommended) or n to modify] (press enter to use 'y'):
Enter a value for optional modules ['all', 'none', or any of 'alemba.web.windows', 'infra.api.wstester', 'infra.console', 'dashboard.platform'] (press enter to use 'none'):
Enter a value for License Key text for ASM: