CMDB Item Transactions

The ASM web service provides a single create, update, delete, retrieve and clone transaction for CMDB item entities, including Configuration Items, Services, Service Actions and Service Bundles.

Limited Support/End of Life Capabilities

The Classic API has been replaced by the Alemba RestFul API. While we will continue to support the Classic API for clients that are still using it, no further development will be done.

If you need to request a hotfix or support for these features, please contact Alemba Support

The ASM API provides transactions that allow messages to be sent to the User or stakeholders linked to a CMDB item.

For more information on sending messages to the CMDB item User or stakeholders see Message Transactions.

Functions are also provided to link and unlink two CMDB Items including the ability to specify link weighting information, and to link and unlink contracts to CMDB Items. To delete a link, you can either specify the link ref of the relevant table, or provide the CMDB item and contract (or linked CMDB Item) and the web service will delete any link between the two.

CMDBItemCreate Transaction

The CMDBItemCreate transaction can be used to create and save a new Configuration Item, Service, Service Action or Service Bundle.

Some parameters available in this transaction will only apply to Configuration Items, while others will only apply to Services, Service Actions and Service Bundles.

Input Parameters: CMDBItemCreateRequest

Return Values:CMDBItemResponse

CMDBItemUpdate Transaction

The CMDBItemUpdate transaction can be used to update and save an existing Configuration Item, Service, Service Action or Service Bundle entity.

Because a field cannot be updated with a blank value, the value ‘NULL’ can instead be used to indicate a blank value.

Input Parameters: CMDBItemUpdateRequest

Return Values: CMDBItemResponse

See CMDBItemResponse for more information.

CMDBItemRetrieve Transaction

The CMDBItemRetrieve transaction can be used to retrieve the details of a Configuration Item, Service, Service Action or Service Bundle.

Input Parameters: CMDBItemRetrieveRequest

Return Values: CMDBItemRetrieveResponse

CMDBItemDelete Transaction

The CMDBItemDelete transaction can be used to find and delete a Configuration Item, Service, Service Action or Service Bundle.

The status and audit trail are updated after the transaction is executed.

Input Parameters: CMDBItemDeleteRequest

Return Values: CMDBItemResponse

See CMDBItemResponse for more information.

CMDBItemClone Transaction

The ConfigItemClone transaction can be used to clone an existing Configuration Item, Service, Service Action or Service Bundle.

Input Parameters: CMDBItemCloneRequest

Return Values: CMDBItemResponse

See CMDBItemResponse for more information.

The CMDBItemLink transaction creates a link between two CMDB items.

Input Parameters: CMDBItemLinkRequest

Return Values: CMDBItemResponse

See CMDBItemResponse for more information.

CMDBItemLinkDelete Transaction

The CMDBItemLinkDelete transaction can be used to delete a link between two CMDB items.

Input Parameters: CMDBItemLinkDeleteRequest

Return Values: CMDBItemResponse

See CMDBItemResponse for more information.