Request Completion Statuses

You can define a selection of statuses that can be specified on a request when it is closed, such as Request Successfully Completed, or Request Pending Later Review.

You can also use this window to identify which statuses are amendable in the request.

The status can be set automatically by setting it as a closure status, or the request manager can change it manually on the Request Completion window.

Request completion statuses can also be set at the level of a task when the task is completed, using Set Request Completion Status on Task Closure on the Workflow Management Settings window. The status to which the request is to be set is configured when a workflow template is created.

Defining a Request Completion Status

Before you start

You must have Workflow Management Set Up enabled within your General Access Security Role to work with request completion statuses.

  1. Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration. The System Administration window appears. In the Explorer pane, expand Workflow Management.

  2. Select the Request Completion Statuses option. The Request Completion Statuses window appears. You can adjust the column widths if required.

  3. Select the New icon. A blank row is inserted in the browse table.

  4. Type the name for the completion status in the Name field.

  5. Define settings for the request status:


Default status to display on the Request Completion window in Core.

Only one status can be set as a closure status.


Select this setting to allow changes to the service actions and other request details when the request is at this status. All checkboxes are unticked by default so that the request is not amendable at any stage.

All settings below this point apply only to Nano.

Parent Status

This setting applies only to Nano.

Select to designate a status as the parent of the statuses beneath it. Multiple parent statuses can be defined, turning each status between them into 'child' statuses of the parent above. Only statuses defined as Parents appear as columns in the Kanban layout in Nano, and each request appears within its parent status column.


This setting applies only to Nano.

When a status with this setting is assigned to a request in Nano, that request is closed. Closed requests can be reopened in Nano using the Re-Open button; changing the status will not automatically re-open it.

Clock Stop

This setting applies only to Nano.

Selecting this status for a request in Nano will stop the SLA clock. Statuses without this setting will start the SLA clock.

Resume Service

This setting applies only to Nano.

Selecting this status on a request in Nano resumes service. SLA events will be closed; changing the status will not re-start the clock.


This setting applies only to Nano.

Select an image from the list to indicate to users in Nano what function or action will be performed on the work item when it is saved with that status. Any image can be assigned to any status. Select None to display no image.

This table shows the corresponding image that appears in Nano per image name.

A status configured to close the request should be assigned the Close image.


This setting applies only to Nano.

Select the request phase to highlight when a request with that status is viewed in Nano. Select Unspecified to hide the request phase image when a request with that status is viewed in Nano. Request Phases are defined in Request Phases in System Administration.

Updating a Request Completion Status

You should not rename the Unspecified value.

  1. Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration. The System Administration window appears. In the Explorer pane, expand Workflow Management.

  2. Select the Request Completion Statuses option. The Request Completion Statuses window appears.

  3. Select the status you want to update. You can rename it by overwriting the Name with a new one, select/deselect the setting checkboxes, or change the order in which the statuses are listed on the defer, forward, or completion windows using the and buttons.. You can adjust the column widths if required.

  • You should not rename the Unspecified status, and only one status can be set as a closure status.

Changing the Order of Request Completion Statuses

  1. Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration. The System Administration window appears. In the Explorer pane, expand Workflow Management.

  2. Select the Request Completion Statuses option. The Request Completion Statuses window appearsdisplays all of the existing completion statuses.

  3. Adjust the order of the statuses in the table by using the and buttons. The highest status, usually “completion”, should be at the top of the table, followed by the second highest, and so on.

  4. Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

Deleting a Request Completion Status

If you delete a completion status, you cannot reverse this procedure and will have to re-create it if needed.

  1. Select ≡ > Admin > System Administration. The System Administration window appears. In the Explorer pane, expand Workflow Management.

  2. Select the Request Completion Statuses option. The Request Completion Statuses window appearsdisplays all of the existing completion statuses.

  3. Select the one you want to delete. Select the Delete icon. If you attempt to delete the system default, you will receive a warning message.

  4. Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

Last updated