Server Console system tasks

You can perform a range of tasks using the Server Console.

You can access the tasks in the Actions pane to the right of the server console window. Tasks are grouped by functional area (that is, System Setup, Database Tasks, and so on).

Limited Support/End of Life Capabilities

If you need to request a hotfix or support for these features, please contact Alemba Support

System Setup tasks

Copying the original files to the ASM System directory

Select Copy Files to copy the original files to the System directory.

This task may overwrite customized files. You should only undertake this task following consultation with Alemba®.

Parsing custom query files

You must parse the query files after any change to a query file, config-queries.xml, or the database schema, or if you have created a custom query file.

In the Server Console Actions pane, select Parse Query Files to parse the custom or updated query file.

This process creates a parsed .SQP file in the queries folder for that ASM System. This is a binary file; you cannot use a text editor to read or edit it.

This task:

  • Identifies the query files and the order in which they are used by the system.

  • Fetches information about the database schema to enforce correct parameter lengths in the queries.

  • Writes the queries into a format that is quick to read by the application.

Running custom PowerShell scripts

In the Server Console Actions pane, select Run Custom PowerShell Scripts to manually run the PowerShell script required to use the Alemba API. When you select this option, the script is automatically selected. Select Open to run it.

Configuring system properties

In the Server Console Actions pane, select Properties to configure your ASM System properties. You can specify a new system name, path, or configure your database connection. For more information, Administration Using PowerShell.

Archiving system data

Before you start

We recommend that you archive data outside of database usage peak hours, as it consumes resources, especially if your database is large. If Analysts are taking action on a call during the archive process, an error may occur.

After calls are archived, you cannot move them back to the standard tables unless you move them manually using SQL commands.

You can reduce the size of your Call Logging and Call History tables by archiving the data. This improves your system performance.

When a call is archived, the following happens:

  • All items within the CL_CALL_LOGGING database table, which holds the Call Details, are moved to the table ARCHIVE_CALL_LOGGING.

  • All items within the CL_PROBLEM_HISTORY database table, which holds the Call History, are moved to the table ARCHIVE_PROBLEM_HISTORY.

  • Any calls, knowledge entries and other entities linked to the archived call are unlinked.

  • All other items that are linked to the archived call, such as attachments, are deleted.

You can configure your Analysts' search criteria to include the Archived Calls check box and drop-down list. This enables Analysts to search archived calls.

To archive calls:

  1. In the Server Console Actions pane, select Archiving > Archive Calls.

    The Archive Wizard window appears.

  2. In the Archive Calls Actioned Until drop-down, select or type the final date for closed calls you want to archive.

    The archiving process uses the Time Last Actioned date.

    All calls that were closed up to and including this date are archived.

  3. If required, select the Include Experience Base Calls check box to archive calls that were selected for the Experience Base.

    This option is clear by default, since it is assumed that administrators want to keep Experience Base calls separate from the archiving process.

  4. Select Next.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  5. Select Yes to start the archiving process.

    This may take a few minutes. After the archiving completes, the wizard confirms its success or failure.

    If you receive an error during the archiving process, you should perform the archive again.

  6. If required, select View Log File to view the log file of the results.

  7. Select Finish to close the Archive Calls window.

    If you selected the View Log File check box, the log file opens.

Importing and exporting workflows

You can import and export ASM workflow templates between ASM Systems. This is particularly useful for transferring workflow templates from a test system to a production system, or when best practice templates are provided by Alemba®.

When importing workflow templates, we strongly recommend that the source and target ASM Systems have the same configuration settings. This is especially important when importing partitioned workflow templates. To ensure the templates are ported to the correct partition, the systems must have the same partition settings configured within ASM Core System Administration.

For more information about Workflow Template Portability, see the Workflow Template Portability Guide.

Customizing the server console view

In the Server Console Actions pane, select View > Customise to change the Server Console display.

On the Customize View dialog box, select a check box to display an item, or clear it to hide an item.

Other actions

Using the Actions pane, you can also Delete, Rename and Refresh the selected system.

Last updated