About the Call Information Panel
The Call Information Panel is shown on the far right of the Call Details window, and it displays a summary of selected call fields.
You can show or hide the information panel by clicking the arrows in front of the Info Panel title. The details displayed are not editable. They are updated automatically by the system.
The following information appears:
Call Responsibilities
Name of the logging analyst
Name of the current analyst – this is the analyst who owns the call currently
Last Updated By – this is the name of the analyst who updated the call last. All updates to the call including those that do not necessitate action to be taken on the call (such as adding a note) are displayed.
Date and time when the call was last actioned by a support analyst.
Call Information
Template indicates the call template used to log the call.
Physical status of the call – this is automatically generated based on the action taken on the call.
Call state indicates whether a call has been resolved and is also assigned by the system based on the action taken on the call.
Call status titles are defined by your system administrator and set by the analyst when a call is forwarded, deferred or closed. It is set to Undefined when a call is first logged.
Name of the call screen set used for logging this call.
IPK Stream
IPK Status
IPK Class (Report Grouping)
Date on which the call was logged
Number of times the call was forwarded
Total downtime since the call was logged. Downtime is calculated as the total time from call logging up to call resolution, or the current time if the call has not been resolved. This calculation takes into account any working hours configured. If the call is closed and subsequently re-opened, the total time for which the call remained closed is added to the downtime. Downtime calculations also take into account the duration for which a call remains suspended.
Time spent on the call
Total expenses specified on the call
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