Options Tab
The Options tab on the Self Service Portal Role window contains a wide variety of options which can be configured for Self Service Portal roles.
The checkboxes allow access to Incident/ Problem functions and Workflow Management, as well as the ability to search for a variety of things and for the Self Service Portal role to administer their own password, details and delegations.
Select Menu, then Admin, then System Administration. The System Administration window is displayed.
In the Explorer pane, expand Self Service Portal.
Select Self Service Portal Roles to open the window.
Select the New icon (Plus sign) to create a new role, or, if you want to update an existing role, select the role and then double-click the role
If you are creating a new role, enter the name in the Role Name field.
Select the Options tab, if it is not already uppermost.
Select the permissions for the role:
Incident/Problem Options
Log Calls - Select this option to enable Users with this role to log incidents through the Self Service Portal.
Review Own Calls - Select this option to enable Users with this role to search and view details for Incidents that are assigned or linked to the current user that is logged in to the Self Service Portal.
Review Org Calls - Select this option to enable Users with this role to search and view details for Incidents that are assigned to the current user’s organization. This option only enables the User to review calls assigned to the organization to which they are directly linked. Review Own Calls must be selected to enable this option.
Review All Calls - Select this option to enable Users with this role to search for and view details for all Incidents in the system to which the User has access. Review Org Calls must be selected to enable this option.
Manage Stakeholder Calls-Select this option to enable Users with this role to view the Call and see the Call history of the Call they have been assigned the Follower role. The conversation history will be displayed in a read-only mode. They will only have the ability to add or remove themselves from following the Call. Followers can also Chase the call on behalf of the assigned User to the call, if appropriate permissions apply.
Close Calls - Select this option to allow users with this role to close their own calls. See Self Service Portal Settings for more information on configuring the system to allow users to close their calls.
Reopen Calls - Select this option to allow users with this role to reopen their own calls. See Self Service Portal Settings for more information on configuring the system to allow users to reopen their calls.
Clone Calls - Select this option to allow users with this role to clone their own calls.
Call Chase - Select this option to allow users to chase their calls using the Chase button on the Self Service Portal. Call Chase must be configured in Self Service Portal Settings (Partitioned).
Add Me Options
The Add Me Option allows users to add themselves, or Subscribe, to a listed IPK call. For more information on add me, see "Add Me".
Review Add Me IPK Statuses - Select this option to allow users to see calls published to the Add Me Widget on the Self Service Portal. Add Me must be configured and calls published into the portal before users will see the calls.
Show Add Me Button - Select this option to allow users to add themselves to a published call. When a user adds themselves to a call using the Add me button, ASM will create a new call in the logged on user's name and link it as a child to the published call. Remaining Add Me features are then enabled such as global updates and communications.
Workflow Management Options
Log Requests - Select this option to enable Users with this role to log requests through the Self Service Portal.
Approval User - Select this option to enable Users with this role to approve or reject tasks via the Self Service Portal.
Approval Summary - Select this option to allow Users with this role to view a summary of all outstanding approval tasks.
Review Own Requests - Select this option to enable Users with this role to search for and view requests that are assigned or linked to them.
Review Org Requests - Select this option to enable Users with this role to search and view details for Requests that are assigned or linked to the current user’s organization. This option only enables users to review requests assigned to the organization to which they are directly linked, and not requests assigned to other organizations that are linked to their organization. Review Own Requests must be selected to enable this option.
Review All Requests - Select this option to enable Users with this role to search for and view all Requests in the system to which they have access. Review Org Requests must be selected to enable this option.
Manage Stakeholder Requests -Select this option to enable Users with this role to view the Requests and see the Request history of the Request they have been assigned the Follower role. The conversation history will be displayed in a read-only mode. They will only have the ability to add or remove themselves from following the Request. Followers can also Chase the Request, if appropriate permissions apply.
Request Chase - Select this option to allow users to chase their requests using the Chase button on the Self Service Portal. Request Chase must be configured in Self Service Portal Settings (Partitioned).
Approval User of Own Request - Enable this option if there is a use-case where the user may need to perform an approval against their own request.
Prior to ASM, a User Approval was sent to the specified recipient as configured in the workflow template, without checking that the authorizing user is also the recipient set in the Task.
In most cases, this was intended behavior, however, there are some use cases where this check should occur. Some examples may be, User Acceptance Approval tasks, User Approvals used to gather feedback, etc.
If this setting is disabled, user approval tasks assigned to the Requesting User will not be available to the User.
If this setting is enabled, an approval task can be sent to the same user that logged the request, effectively allowing to approve their own requests, depending on how the workflow is configured and what the approval is for.
Cost Center Search Options
Review Own Cost Centers - Select this option to enable Users with this role to search and view details for Cost Centers that are assigned or linked to them.
Review Org Cost Centers - Select this option to enable Users with this role to search for and view Cost Centers that are assigned or linked to their organization. Review Own Cost Centers must be selected to enable this option.
Review All Cost Centers - Select this option to enable Users with this role to search for and view details for all Cost Centers. Review Org Cost Centers must be selected to enable this option.
User/Organization/Location Search Options
The options for User, Organization, and Location Search are the same. They allow the user to see relevant entities only where the organization is the same as the users organization, or globally.
Review Org [User, Organization, or Location] - Select this option to be able to search the relevant entities that are in the same organization as the logged in user.
Review All [User, Organization, or Location] - Select this option to be able to search all of the referenced entities in ASM.
Self Help Options
Knowledge Bank Search - Select this option to enable Users with this role to search for and view Knowledge Bank articles on the Self Service Portal.
Users with this role can also see the Suggested Knowledge widget if Suggested Knowledge is enabled in Self Service Portal Settings.
This setting enables access to knowledge, however content access is controlled in the Content tab and via the System Administration settings for Knowledge Management.
Scripts - Select this option to enable Users with this role to access Scripts on the Self Service Portal through the Self Diagnosis menu.
User Survey Options
Users in Self Service Portal can submit a survey that has been sent to them from the Call/Request Review Screen when this option is enabled. A button will appear "Survey" when there is an active survey against a closed call or request that has not been responded to. Users are then able to action and complete the survey request.
Display Survey - Select this option to display surveys that have been sent to user's on closed calls and Requests in the portal.
Self Administration Options
Change Password - Select this option to enable Users with this role to change their Portal password on the Self Service Portal.
If you are using SSO, it is not necessary to enable this option.
Change Details - Select this option to enable Users with this role to change and update their details through the Self Service Portal.
This option must be selected if you will be using delegation.
Delegation Setup - Select this option to enable Users with this role to change the delegation of their tasks to another user through the Delegation Setup menu on the Self Service Portal. You must also enable Change Details.
For more information on Delegation, please see "Delegation".
Analyst and Group Search Options
These options allw users to search IPK and Workflow Groups and to search for system Analysts. Enable each to allow user's of the Self Service Portal to search Groups and Analysts.
Chat Options
Once you have configured Chat in System Administration>System Settings(Partitioned), You need to allow specific SSP user Roles access to Chat. If the role you are defining should be able to Chat with Support, enable "Chat User". If you want them to interact with the Chat Bot (and you have configured Chat Bot), Enable "Chat Bot".
Best Practice: Users are frustrated if everytime they want to chat with support no one is available. It is wise to leave these options off until you have fully configured your Chat capabilities and it is fully staffed.
API Options
Alemba API Explorer - Users with this option selected can access the Alemba API Explorer. The standard security as set in their Person Details will then apply.
Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so. Alternatively, select another tab, if appropriate.
Last updated
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