Defining a Dependency Rule

You can define one or more dependency rules on the Task/Approval Available Conditions window.

Rule Title
Type a name to identify the rule

All requests & tasks Tasks in this request This task Only

Select a level of security to specify whether the rule should be available to all requests on your system, to the current request, or only to the current task


Type a brief description of the condition specified in this rule

Select an Item

Select the request or task field on which you want to base this rule.

You cannot select text area fields such as Request Description, Implementation Description, Text Area extension fields (created in the ASM Designer), and other long text fields when creating rules.


Select the operator from the drop-down list.

The operators displayed in this list depend on the field selected in the Select an Item list.


Select a value for the item you selected earlier. Your rule will now be structured as <Item><Operator><Value>.

Request Assigned Group=Change Advisory Board.

  1. Click Add to List. Your rule appears in the Dependency Criteria Rules List table. It displays the Item, Relationship, and Value. When you select a row in the browse table, the details are automatically updated in these fields.

  2. Repeat to create additional rules. When you define more than one rule, the rules are used in conjunction.

  3. If you want, you can edit a rule, select the rule and then edit the field, relationship, or value as needed. When done, click Update Rule. The row in the browse table is updated.

  4. To delete a row, just select it in the browse table, and click Delete Rule.

  5. Click Save. The Task/Approval Available Conditions window is closed, and the Conditional Branching Task Details window appears. The conditions panel displays the name of the conditions you added.

Relationship Operators

The available operators in the Relationship list will vary depending on which field you have selected from the Item list.

If you have chosen Request Assigned Group from the Item list, the only operators applicable will be = and <> (equal to and not equal to, respectively), as it would not make sense to have a particular request group greater than or equal to another group.

The full list of operators is as follows:



Equal to


Not equal to


Less than


Less than or equal to


Greater than


Greater than or equal to

If the chosen item is a custom text string, any string matched against the criterion value will be considered to be less than if it begins with a letter previous in the alphabet. Similarly, it will be considered to be greater than if it begins with a letter that comes later in the alphabet.

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