Defining Dependency Actions

The Task/Approval Available Actions window enables you to define actions for rules you created earlier.

  1. In the Action Title field, type a new name for the action.

  2. Select a level of security to specify whether the action should be available to all requests on your system, to the current request, or only to the current task, by selecting the All requests & tasks, Tasks in this request, or This task Only option.

  3. In the Description field, type a brief description about the action that needs to be taken for the selected rule. Note that this description is only visible from this window.

  4. From the Select an Item list, select the request or task field on which the action is to be carried out.

  5. If you intend to use the Request Status as an item, you should set the Request Status on Completion field for the Conditional Branching Task to Unspecified when designing your workflow template. If you set a value for the Request Status on Completion field on the Conditional Branching Task Details window as well as setting a Request Status in an Action, when the conditional branching task completes, ASM updates the Request Status to the setting for the Action, but will then evaluate the Request Status on Completion field and update the Request Status to this value (unless it is set to Unspecified).

  6. From the value list (the label of which will depend on the field you selected), select the value for the field selected in the item list. The rule will check for this value of the item.

  7. Click Add to List. Your action appears in the Dependency Activation Rules List. It displays the Item and Value. When you select a row in the browse table, these details are automatically updated.

  8. Repeat to create additional actions.

  9. If you want, you can edit the fields, and click Update Rule. The row in the browse table is updated.

  10. To delete a row, just select it in the browse table and click Delete Rule.

  11. Save the changes. The Task/Approval Available Actions window closes, and the Conditional Branching Task Details window appears. The actions panel displays the name of the rules you added.

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