Message Transactions

The Classic API provides a number of generic messaging transactions.

Limited Support/End of Life Capabilities

The Classic API has been replaced by the Alemba RestFul API. While we will continue to support the Classic API for clients that are still using it, no further development will be done.

If you need to request a hotfix or support for these features, please contact Alemba Support

Most email transactions also provide internal message and pager support. The bEmail, bInternal and bPager options allow you to specify which message types you want to send.

Recipients must have the correct permissions and settings to receive emails/internal messages and pagers.

For most messaging transactions, you can specify two parameters that the message template uses. The nMessageMapRef parameter is a reference to the HD_MESSAGE_MAP table. This specifies the message template as well as the message type and query to use. The nMessageType parameter is a ASM message type number. From this, the API will find the default template and query.

Similarly, the pager message type and map options will define the template to use.

For a list of message types used by the API, see Message Types.

MessageSendMessage Transaction

The SendMessage transaction can be used to send messages to selected recipients from a selected email address. This transaction can only send the message.

Input Parameters: MessageRequest

Return Values:MessageResponse

MessageSendMessageByTemplate Transaction

Input Parameters: MessageByTemplateRequest

Return Values: MessageResponse

See MessageResponse for more information.

MessageStakeHolders Transaction

Input Parameters: MessageStakeHoldersRequest

Return Values: MessageResponse

See MessageResponse for more information.