Using Wildcards in Search

ASM is entirely SQL based and supports wildcard searches using defined Wildcards.

Wildcards Accepted

You can use the following Wildcards in your searches:

  1. % Percent Symbol

    Match Any Sequence of Characters. Represents zero or more characters in a search.

    Example: %out – All results that contain the word “out” at the end

    Example: %out% – All results that contain the word “out” in any position

    Example: Out% – All results that start with the word “Out”; Outlook, OutBound

  2. _ Underscore

    Matches a Single Character. Represents a single character in a search.

    Example: SXY_0091 – All results where this reference is contained: SXY90091, SXY80091, SXY70091, and so on.

  3. [ ] Square Brackets

    Match Any Single Character within a Range or Set

    Example: [JM]on - Jon, or Mon

    Example:[A-D] - All items that start with A, B, C, or D

  4. [^] Caret Enclosed in Square Brackets

    Exclude Characters within a Range or Set

    Example: [^Out]% - All results that do not start with “Out”

  5. "-" Hyphen

    Match or define a Range of Characters within Square Brackets.

    Example: [A-F]% - Anything that starts with A through F

    Example: [0-9]% - Anything that starts with 0 - 9

What is searched?

What is searched is determined by the entity you are searching.

Global Search (Portal)

Calls/Tickets = Description, Comments, Solution's Summary Requests = Title, Description, Authorization Comments Tasks = Description and History Knowledge = Title, Abstract, Solution, Additional Information field Bulletins = Body of the Bulletin

Text Based, Field-Level Searches

Search the related table/or linked tables for the data to call back.

Last updated