Defining the Outcome of Selecting a Service Action

You can configure what happens when a user selects the Service Action in the Service Request Catalog.

You can:

  • Define a URL to launch in their browser

  • Identify an object to download

  • Present a call/ticket submission form for the user to submit a call. This is appropriate for straightforward Service Actions, such as Reset Password, that can be completed through a call

  • Present a request submission form, for the user to submit a request. This is appropriate for a more complex order, that requires a linked Workflow Template to log a request with various tasks and approvals to process the order.

Linking Actions to a Service Action

  1. Scroll down to the Templates and Actions section and click on the name to expand the section if necessary.

  2. Complete the details.

3. Select Ok to save the changes and close the window, or Save New to save and close the window and open a new details window. Complete the Change Reason details, if prompted to do so.

Last updated