Running Multiple Workflow Types on a Call

When two or more IPK Workflow rules have been picked up (that is, one or more of the IPK Workflow Rules has the Continue option selected), you need to be aware of which workflows will run.

When two or more IPK Workflow rules have been picked up (that is, one or more of the IPK Workflow Rules has the Continue option selected), you need to be aware of which workflows will and will not be run on a call. For example, if there are two IPK Workflow rules picked up on a call and each rule has an Assignment Workflows mapped, only one of these can be run, since the call can only be assigned to one analyst/group.

Assignment Workflows

When two or more Assignment workflows are to be run on a call (because more than one IPK Workflow rule has been picked up), the system will process the last assignment workflow detected. This is because a call can only be assigned to one analyst/group.

A user has logged a call, which picks up two IPK Workflow rules. The first IPK Workflow rule found by the application has an assignment workflow mapped to it, which says to assign the call to the Service Desk group. The second IPK Workflow rule found by the application also has an assignment workflow mapped to it, which says to assign the call to the Network Support group. Since the second IPK Workflow rule is the last one picked up by the application, the call will be assigned to the Network Support group.

Forum Workflows

When two or more Forum workflows are to be run on a call, the system will process all the Forum workflows. This means that if two or more IPK Workflow rules have been picked up, any Forum workflows that are mapped to the rule will be run on the call.

The call history will record all of the forum workflows that have been run, and the analysts/groups that have been made a forum member of this call.

A user has logged a call, which picks up two IPK Workflow rules. The first IPK Workflow rule picked up has a forum workflow mapped to it, which says to create a forum with the Change Managers. The second IPK Workflow rule found by the application also has a forum workflow mapped to it, which says to create a forum with all analysts in the Network Support group. Since all forum workflows on the call will be run, a forum will be created for the Change Managers specified and the Network Support group. The call history will be updated with who has been made a forum member for this call.

Notification Workflows

When two or more Notification workflows are to be run on a call, the system will process all of the Notification workflows. This means that an email or pager message will be sent to all recipients specified on a notification workflow that will be run on the call.

When the same analyst/group is specified on two Notification workflows that need to be run and for the same call action (on call log, resolve or closure), an email using the template specified on the last notification rule will be sent to that analyst/group i.e. the specified analyst/group will not receive two emails relating to the same call action.

A user has logged a call, which picks up two IPK Workflow rules. The first IPK Workflow rule picked up has a notification rule which says to email the user on call log using the “Standard” email template. The second IPK Workflow rule picked up has a notification rule which says to email the user on call log using the “Severe” email template. Since both notification workflows say to notify the same person for the same call action (i.e. on call log), the system will send one notification email to the user, using the “Severe” template.

A user has logged a call, which is closed at the first point of contact. This call picks up two IPK Workflow rules. The first IPK Workflow rule says to notify the user on call log. The second IPK Workflow rule says to notify the Call stakeholders on call closure. Since all notification workflows on the call will be run, and the analysts/groups to be notified on each workflow are not for the same reason, a notification email will be sent to both the user and the Call stakeholders.

Request Workflows

When two or more Request Workflows are to be run on a call, the system will process all of the Request Workflows. This means that if two or more IPK Workflow rules have been picked up on the call, a request will be created for every Request workflow mapped to one of these rules.

A user has logged a call, which picks up two IPK Workflow rules. The first IPK Workflow rule picked up has a request workflow that will create a request with the “New Employee” workflow template. The second IPK Workflow rule picked up has a request workflow that will create a request with the “Administration Process” template. Since all request workflows will be run, two requests will be created. One request will be using the dependency diagram workflow on the “New Employee” template, and the other will be using the dependency diagram workflow on the “Administration Process” template.

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