Viewing Daily Stats

Alemba Service Manager enables you to view daily call statistics.

This is particularly important for Service Desk managers to post to overhead monitors, for example. The Daily Statistics Dashboard Tracks and monitors the number of calls logged or closed in one day as well as the number of calls that are still open.

To view daily call statistics

  1. Click to the main menu, then scroll down to the ‘Daily Stats’ report

  1. The Daily Statistics window is displayed.

The Daily Statistics window displays a graphical view of the calls that have been:

  • Opened Today

  • Closed Today

  • Escalated through SLA or OLA

  • All Currently Open Tickets by IPK Status

Calls Escalated through ‘Chase”, or through configured options in Self-Service Portal for “Auto-Escalate” options are not included.

About the View

By default, each statistic is displayed in the form of a vertical bar graph for the current partition in which you are working. You can change the display to:

  • Column

  • Bar

  • Line

  • Pie

To drill down into specific data on the Daily Statistics graph, click the relevant section or bar of the graph:

  1. A Call Search window opens with a list of the calls corresponding to the selected statistical grouping.

  2. You can review or action these calls from the Call Search window.

  3. The closed calls represented on the Daily Statistics graph include calls with a physical status of Closed-Unresolved. However, if you click a section on the graph to view details of the closed calls, you need to select the Closed-Unresolved search option on the Call Search window to display these calls in the browse table.

To Change the Display of the Daily Statistics Window

  1. Click the Options button on the toolbar.

The Graph Options window is displayed

  1. Select a type of graph from the Series Type options.

  1. Use the Sort Settings to select the sort order. You can sort Ascending or Descending or have no sorting whatsoever. Here you can also Give the Chart a new Title.

  1. Select your Axis settings. You Can change the Display order of the columns using the X and Y Axis settings.

  2. Select the refresh interval. If you are using this on a Floor Display or overhead, you may want a more frequent refresh interval.

  1. Click the Preview tab to obtain a preview of the chart.

  1. Click Apply to commit the changes

Last updated