Viewing Your Outstanding Tasks

The Tasks Outstanding window displays all tasks requiring your attention. Those that have been forwarded to you or your group, or that you are working.

This topic relates to the Nano interface.

The Tasks Outstanding window also shows tasks you assigned to someone else that have not been picked up yet and allows you to display your work in a KahnBan view for easy drag and drop status changes and updates.

On the Tasks Outstanding window you can:

  • Show and hide the filters section

  • Filter your list of work items

    • Show tasks that are currently with you, have been forwarded to you or your group, and tasks you forwarded.

    • Toggle between active and inactive tasks .

    • Toggle between suspended and unsuspended tasks.

  • Configure the columns by adding or removing columns and changing their order.

  • Right-click on a task(s) to perform actions such as Add Note, Action, Review, Email, etc.

Using the Tasks Outstanding Window

Before you start

To view tasks, Workflow Analyst must be enabled in the Shared tab of your Workflow Management Security Role.

The following settings must be enabled in the Tasks tab of your Workflow Management Security Role to perform the listed actions:

  • To forward tasks from the Search or Outstanding windows, enable Task Bulk Forward.

  • To close tasks from the Search or Outstanding windows, enable Task Bulk Close.

  1. Open the Tasks Outstanding window by selecting View from the menu and then Tasks Outstanding.

  2. The Tasks Outstanding window opens with the default filters selected. To change the filters, select the Filter Icon. The Filters section is displayed.

  3. Select and deselect filter options as needed

  4. Records matching your parameters are displayed in the Results table.

    • Sort the table of results by clicking on a column header.

    • Change the columns in the table by selecting from the toolbar to open Column Configuration window.

    • See Configuring Columns for more details.

  5. To open the Task details, select the record(s) in the results table and double-click, or right-click and then select to open.

  6. You can select multiple records by holding the CTRL key while select each row.

  7. Right Click for additional options.

Last updated