Following Tickets
ASM allows Users with appropriate permissions to follow selected calls and requests.
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ASM allows Users with appropriate permissions to follow selected calls and requests.
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Available in HERMES
You can add followers to a ticket as you log it, or you can follow items already logged that you also have access to to view.
To use Follow functionality, you must have Manage Stakeholder Calls (to follow calls) and Manage Stakeholder Requests (to follow requests) options enabled on your Self Service Portal Security Role
Locate the Followers Selection Box.
Select "Followers" by searching and clicking on names from a list.
Selected names will appear under the "Followers" field.
Users can remove a Follower by clicking an "X" button next to their name in the Followers list.
Click the "Follow" button located on the right side of the Review screen to start following the item.
If a User decides they no longer need updates, they can click "Unfollow" on the right side of the Call Review screen in the SSP to remove themselves as a Follower.
The same unfollowing action can be performed directly from the Incident/Request/Approval Summary screens by pressing the "Unfollow" icon in the grid.
For Users who were added as Followers during the creation of the Call/Request, the button will display "Unfollow" when they review the item.
You can easily see your followed items by looking for the Followed Calls/Requests/Approvals bubble in any "My Counts" widget.
Select the "Followed Calls" bubble
View the Followed Calls/Requests/Approvals in a list
The bubble background colors are configurable via the Counts widget, Skins in Designer.
Followed calls bubble and Awaiting Action Bubble
My Incidents Count: Displays and drills down into the User's own Calls/Requests.
Followed Calls Bubble: Displays count and drills into Calls/Requests/Approvals where the User is a Follower.
Awaiting Action Bubble: Shows Calls in Awaiting Action statuses, as configured in System Administration > IPK Management > Call Status Titles.
Click the "Unfollow" indicator in the grid, to unfollow
Start a search
In the Review Past/Current Incidents/Requests/Approvals, search for Calls, Requests, or Approvals where you are a Follower
Select the Followed radio button
Search for and follow items Items Awaiting Action
This option displays items with statuses defind as "Awaiting Action"
Followed Incidents and Incidents Awaiting Action