Managing Service Bundles

A Service Bundle (or Service Package) is a group of service actions from multiple services in your Service Portfolio. Service bundles are designed to meet more complex business requests.

For example, users wishing to order a range of services for a new starter can order a New Employee service bundle. The New Employee bundle could consist of: Create a New Email Account (from the Email service), Access to Network (from the Network service), and Order New Telephone (from the Phone service).

Adding a Service Bundle

Before you start

You must have CMDB Item New selected in the CMDB Items tab of your Configuration Management security role.

  1. Select New > Service Bundle.

  2. The Service Bundle Details window is displayed.

  3. Complete the standard CMDB item details. You can use the Templates section to create a request from the service bundle.

Create request

Select the checkbox to link the Service Bundle to a Request. This will allow Service Actions in any portal display category tier within the service bundle's portal display category to be added to the order in the Service Request Catalog and linked to the Service Bundle Request.

When this option is selected, you cannot add Service Actions on this screen.

Using template

Use the Search field to select the template for the request.

4. Use the tabs at the bottom of the window to make the service bundle available to specific or all subscribers or stakeholders and link other CMDB items or link service actions to the service bundle.

5. Use the options in the Explorer pane to add any further details.

6. Select Ok to save the details, or Save New to save the details and display a blank details window, ready for you to create another CMDB item.

Linking Service Actions to Service Bundles

When linking service actions to service bundles, you can select Service Bundle to Service Action (Optional) to give Users the option of ordering this linked service action, or Service Bundle to Service Action to make it mandatory for Users to order this linked service action.

If you link a service action to a service through the Linked Items tab, this is a standard link.

To link a service action as a core component of a service, use the Service Actions tab. See Managing Your Service Portfolio for more information.

Allocating Subscribers to a Service Bundle

The Subscribers tab in the Linking Panel on the Service Bundle Details window allows you to define who may subscribe to this service bundle, that is, request the service bundle through the Self Service Portal Catalog.

You can make the service bundle available to all Users, or only to Users and organizations who are members of a Subscriber Group.

Alternatively, you can make the service bundle visible based on stakeholder role.

Making a Service Bundle available to all Users

  1. From the Linking Panel, select the Subscribers tab.

  2. Select Available to all Users to enable any portal User to order this service bundle.

  3. You cannot link a service bundle to a subscriber group if the Available to all Users checkbox is selected.

Making a Service Bundle available to Subscriber Groups

  1. From the Linking Panel, select the Subscribers tab.

  2. Select Add.

  3. Search for a Subscriber Group.

  4. From the search results, select the Subscriber Group you wish to link.

  5. Select the link icon.

You can also add a new Subscriber Group by selecting Add New on the Subscriber Group Search window. This opens a new Subscriber Group Details window. When you save the Subscriber Group, it is linked to the selected service bundle.

Unlinking a Subscriber Group

  1. From the Linking Panel, select the Subscribers tab.

  2. Select the Subscriber Group in the browse table.

  3. Select Remove.

  4. In the popup, select Yes to remove the Subscriber Group or No to leave the Subscriber Group.

Viewing the details of a linked Subscriber Group

  1. From the Linking Panel, select the Subscribers tab.

  2. Select the Subscriber Group in the browse table.

  3. Select Open.

To save any changes and close the Service Bundle Details, select OK, or add more service bundle details.

Linking a Stakeholder Role to a Service Bundle

You can limit the visibility of a service bundle in the Self Service Portal to specific stakeholder roles. Only those stakeholders will then have access to the service bundle, unless it is made available to all stakeholders.

You can filter visibility in the Self Service Portal by subscriber group instead. Whether visibility is determined by stakeholder or subscriber group is determined in the CMDB tab of the Self Service portal role.

Making a Service Bundle available to all Stakeholders

  1. Scroll down to the Linking Panel at the bottom of the window, and select the Stakeholders tab.

  2. Select Available to all Users, which appears just above the Stakeholders table.

Linking a Stakeholder

  1. Scroll down to the Linking Panel at the bottom of the window, and select the Stakeholders tab.

  2. Specify the type of stakeholder, using the drop-down list beneath the Stakeholders table.

  3. Select Add. The appropriate Search window is displayed, from which you can identify the stakeholder you want.

  4. When you identify your stakeholder, a pop-up window prompts you to select the stakeholder role. Use the drop-down list to select one, and then select OK. The stakeholder details appear in the Stakeholders table.

  5. You can continue to add more stakeholders, remove unwanted ones, select one and use Open to view the details, send an email to selected stakeholders, or all stakeholders, or filter the columns on the table to display information that is relevant to you more clearly.

Searching for a Service Bundle

  1. Search for a CMDB item, specifying Service Bundle as the Item Type.

  2. Select the service bundle from the browse table of results and select . If CMDB Item Action by Default is selected in the CMDB Items tab of your Configuration Management security role, the service bundle is displayed in edit mode. Otherwise, it is displayed in Review mode and you have to select to make any updates.

Updating a Service Bundle

Before you start

You must have CMDB Item Update selected in the CMDB Items tab of your Configuration Management security role. To update the title, you must have CMDB Item Title Update selected, and to update the reference, you must have CMDB Item Ref Update selected. If the service bundle is open by another analyst for updating, you must also have CMDB Item Cancel Lock selected. If the service bundle is a template, you must have CMDB Item Template Update selected.

  1. Select the Edit icon if necessary to view the service bundle in edit mode.

  2. Update the details.

  3. You can also allocate Subscribers to the Service Bundle, or link other CMDB items or link service actions to the service bundle.

  4. Use the options in the Explorer pane to add any further details if necessary.

  5. Select Ok to save the details, or Save New to save the details and display a blank details window, ready for you to create a CMDB item.

Deleting a Service Bundle

  1. Search for a CMDB item, specifying Service Bundle as the Item Typeto display all service bundles in the browse table of search results.

  2. From the search results, select the service bundle you want to delete, and select the Delete icon.

  3. To view the details of the service bundle before deleting, select Select the Action/Edit icon. Then select the Delete icon from this window when you are confident that this is the item you want to delete.

  4. In the warning message, select Yes to proceed with deleting the service bundle, specifying the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

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