Service Provider Signing Certificate

Service Provider initiated sign on requires SSL Signing. This is configured in ASM by defining a unique ASM Identifier for the SSL Certificate.

You may wish to create a resource mapping (if used) prior to carrying out this step, although this information can be added at a later date.

Adding a Signing Certificate

  1. Select ≡ > Admin > Integration.

  2. In the Explorer pane, under Single Sign On, select Signing Certificates.

  3. Select the New icon.

  4. The Single Sign On Identity Provider Details window appears.Complete the details.

Select the Save icon to save the details.

Certificates must have a private key and the IIS Application Pool must have full control of the certificate. Permissions for the certificate can be changed using Manage Private Keys.

If you are using the SHA-256 Secure Hash Algorithm (a Requirement for Azure AFDS for example), ensure that :

  • the certificate has been marked as exportable when it is installed

  • the certificate contains the SHA-256 Signature Algorithm. You can find this information by viewing the certificate properties

An SHA256 certificate can be used to create SHA1 and SHA256 signatures. A SHA1 certificate cannot be used to create SHA256 signatures.