URLs and Access Parameters
Use URLs to access the main application, the Self Service and Catalog Portals, the External Supplier Portal and other ASM Core interfaces.
Overview of ASM Core URLs
ASM Core URLs are used to access different interfaces, like the Self Service Portal, and also to perform complex functions such as launch searches, open incident forms, view service orders, and even to pre-populate fields on submission forms or search criteria windows, and then to submit those forms or searches.
Complex functions are performed through the URL by appending http query strings to the base URL.
The URL structure consists of the base URL, the interface parameter, the target page parameter, and the query parameters.
URLs are made up of constant and variable parameters. Some parameters vary from system to system while others are static values. The following convention has been used to denote parameters:
Variables within URLs are denoted within angular brackets.
Constants are denoted in the regular text without brackets.
Structure of the base URL
Example of a http query string:
When constructing URLs for use in ASM Core, note that:
The interface parameter must always be preceded by ?
All following parameters must be preceded by &
Parameters and their values are joined by =
Characters entered after = and before & are treated as a value and therefore can contain spaces
Here is an example of how these are strung together based on the example URL above.
To launch ASM Core
To launch the Self Service Portal
To launch the portal Knowledge Search Criteria page
To launch the portal Knowledge Search Criteria page with the words “cracked laptop screen” in the Search Text field, and the All Words checkbox selected
Agent/User Role
URLs and Access Parameters
Use base URLs to:
Access ASM Core
Access the Self Service Portal
Access the HTML Only Interface
Access the Catalog Portal
Access ASM Core through WSRP
Use http query strings for the Self Service Portal to:
Automatically Log into the Self Service Portal
Retrieve a Password
Change a Password
View a specified knowledge article, or access the search page for Knowledge Bank
View a specified incident, or access the search page for Incidents
View a specified request, or access the search page for Requests
View a specified service action or service bundle, or access the search page for Browsing the Service Request Catalog
View a specified service order, or access the search page for Service Order
Pre-populate search fields and automate searches in the Self Service Portal using http query strings for:
Knowledge Search
Incident Search
Request Search
Browse the Service Request Catalog
Service Order Search