Security Profiles

Security profiles control Analysts’ access to objects, actions and solutions, notes, emails, letters, CMDB items and timesheet entries for different entities in ASM Core, such as calls and requests.

When adding information by one of these means (for example, through a note on a call), Analysts can apply a security profile to the additional information. Only those Analysts who have access to the selected security profile are then able to view the information.

Analysts are allocated access to security profiles through their Person Details. If an Analyst does not have a security profile, they will not have access to the object, action and solution, note, email, letter, CMDB item or timesheet entry to which that profile is applied.

Any system-generated history entries for a call, request or task will use an ‘Unspecified’ security profile. Similarly, any objects added through a call logged via incoming email will also use an ‘Unspecified’ security profile.

Creating Security Profiles

  1. Select the Menu button, then Admin, then select System Administration. The System Administration window appears.

  2. In the Explorer pane, expand System, then select Security Profiles.

  3. The Security Profiles window appears, listing all the security profiles created for the current partition.

  4. Select the New icon. A blank row is added to the browse table.

  5. In the Name field, type a name for the profile you want to create.

  6. You can change the order of the listing by using and . The order set is used for display only.

  7. Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

Renaming a Security Profile

You can rename a security profile if necessary. The new name is reflected throughout the system. Analysts with the existing security profile have their details automatically updated with the new name.

  1. Select the Menu button, then Admin, then select System Administration. The System Administration window appears.

  2. In the Explorer pane, expand System, then select Security Profiles. The Security Profiles window appears, listing all the security profiles created for the current partition.

  3. Select the profile you want to rename, and type the new name over the existing.

  4. Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

Deleting a security profile

You cannot restore a security profile. You have to recreate it if you delete it in error. If an Analyst has the security profile, it shows as a deleted entry in their Personal Details and any associated access privileges are removed.

  1. Select the Menu button, then Admin, then select System Administration.

  2. The System Administration window appears.

  3. In the Explorer pane, expand System, then select Security Profiles.

  4. The Security Profiles window appears, listing all the security profiles created for the current partition.

  5. Select the security profile you want to delete by clicking in the appropriate row.

  6. Select the Delete icon. The selected security profile disappears from the window. However, you must select Save to save the deletion.

  7. Select to save the changes. Provide the Change Reasons if prompted to do so.

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