Person Transactions

The web service provides access to the basic person transactions, though note these are restricted solely to the creation of Users. These include creating, updating, deleting and retrieving User deta

Limited Support/End of Life Capabilities

The Classic API has been replaced by the Alemba RestFul API. While we will continue to support the Classic API for clients that are still using it, no further development will be done.

If you need to request a hotfix or support for these features, please contact Alemba Support

Even though these transactions are restricted to Users, person transactions use a prefix of Person instead of User, as Person is the term the API must pass through to be recognized by the ASM app.

The API has a messaging transaction to email stakeholders linked to a person. See MessageStakeHolders Transaction for more information.

PersonCreate Transaction

The PersonCreate transaction creates a person record flagged as a User and saves it in the database.

Input Parameters: PersonCreateRequest

Return Values:PersonResponse

PersonUpdate Transaction

The PersonUpdate transaction can be used to update the details of any person record. The person record to update must be flagged as a User.

Input Parameters: PersonUpdateRequest

Return Values: PersonResponse

See PersonResponse for more information.

PersonRetrieve Transaction

The PersonRetrieve transaction can be used to return the details of a Person record. This person must be flagged as a User.

Input Parameters: PersonEntityRequest

Return Values: PersonRetrieveResponse

PersonDelete Transaction

The PersonDelete transaction can be used to locate and delete a person record. This person record must be flagged as a User. This transaction updates the status and audit trail fields.

Input Parameters: PersonDeleteRequest

Return Values: PersonResponse

See PersonResponse for more information.