Resource Mapping

You can add a data mapping between external resources and ASM Core CMDB item fields. Resources can be users imported from a directory server, or network discovery resources.

Mapping a New Resource

The import is iterative. This means that if you have people in more than one mapped group, each successive template will be applied to their person record and changes across each template will be applied. For example:

Agent A belongs to a System Administrator Group (with global access rights) and to an agent Group with IPK Access rights only. To import Agent A correctly, his System Admin Group mapping will need to appear at the bottom of the groups list and not at the top. This is because we want to create him first with his basic rights, and then let the import update him with the enhanced permissions.

Before you start

You must have Integration Setup selected in your General Access Security Role.

  1. In the Groups table, select the group for which you want to define a mapping.

  2. Complete the details.

Criteria Tab

Select the Criteria tab to specify the criteria for selecting the external resource to import.

Action Tab

Select the Action tab and select a CMDB template and set the rules for applying the template, when the defined mapping criteria is met.

Fields Tab - Mapping Your Data

  1. Select the Fields tab to map the fields to be updated through the import.

  2. To add a field, select Add.

  3. You can only map fields once you have selected an item in the Using template field in the Actions tab.

  4. In the Add Fields window, select the ASM Core field you wish to map, and click OK.

  5. To set the value for this field, on the fields browse table, click the cell in the Resource Field column

  6. Select into the row. The available options appear in a multi-tier popup and are specific to the ASM Core field type.

  7. You must select a resource field/value otherwise you will receive a warning message when you save the mapping details.

  8. To set the condition for updating the field, make a selection in the Update column.

  1. To delete a mapped field, select the field, click Remove and confirm the deletion in the warning dialog box.

  2. To restore the default mapping that may be provided for some connectors, and overwrite any new mappings you may have added, select Restore Default.

  3. Learn more about fields available for mapping a directory server user to a person record in the CMDB in Directory Server Fields.

Matching Tab

Set the criteria ASM Core will use to match a discovered external resource to an existing CMDB item. This step allows you to configure “rules” for importing and updating resources. This includes defining how users are imported through a directory integration source connector or other resources are imported through a network discovery connector. For example, by defining a rule using fields from the person details, you can match a new user discovered on a directory server to an existing person record in ASM Core.

  1. Select the Matching tab.

  2. Select On discovery match resource to enable the rules builder panel.

  3. Specify the criteria that will be used to match a discovered resource or user to an existing CMDB item. This is done through adding a rule.

  4. In the final part of the statement, select > 1 matching records are identified to add the discovered resource to the Pending Imports list in the Federated CMDB Administration window, if more than one record in the CMDB is matched to the resource based on the criteria. This allows you to manually match the resource to the CMDB item. Select No matching records are identified to add the discovered resource to the Pending Imports list in the Federated CMDB Administration window, if no record in the CMDB is matched to the resource based on the criteria.

  5. Click Save. You are returned to the Resource Types Mapping window where you can add more mappings for this resource type if needed.

  • Mappings are applied only when a resource is imported or updated. Changing the resource mappings will not update existing CMDB items. Updates are made only when ASM Core detects changes to a resource.

  • Disabling scans for a connector or a specific resource type after a scan has been run will not delete CMDB items linked to the external resources for that connector. However, viewing any of these external resources (that may be linked to CMDB items) will display them as inactive.

  • Resources are imported automatically during a Federated CMDB scan, and these resources are checked for any links that correspond to the mapped resource link types. This relationship information is automatically discovered by the scan; it cannot be regulated. However, you can choose not to import the relationship information as links into the CMDB when you import resources with links to other resources.

Directory Server Fields

The person fields available for mapping a directory server user to a Person entity in ASM Core include the following:

Selecting Fields for Mapping

The table below provides a summary of the field types and values you can select when mapping Internal Fields and External Fields to fulfill the requirements for a particular type of integration.

When you click the field selector button various options are presented to allow you to configure the mapping between the external and internal field.

The fields that can be mapped include standard, custom, and extension fields.