Closing a Call

After you have provided a solution or workaround to the user for a call, you can change the status of the call to Resolved and close the call.

To Close a Call

  1. Display the Call Details window.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the window if necessary, and select one of the following, or their equivalent explorer option.

2. Complete the fields on the Close Call window.

3. Select OK to close the call and close this window. This is the same as double-clicking on the name. Selecting OK New closes the call and opens a new Call Details window. Back to Main returns you to the Call Details window of the current call.

If the call has a linked outage, you will be prompted to close the outage when you close the call. You may choose not to close the outage at this time.

4. The call is closed and the call status changes to Closed and the call is removed from the Calls Outstanding or Escalated Calls window. You can search for closed calls by selecting the Closed or Closed – Resolved filter options on the Call Search window.

Additional Fields when Call Closure Rules are enabled

Closure Comments

If your system is configured for closure comments, and you are authorized for closure comments, you will also see a Comments field, and a Forward list containing analysts or groups, depending on which option is currently selected, to whom you can forward the call.

If you have closure comment rights and you want to forward the call on to another analyst for closure comments, you must highlight the analyst to whom you wish to forward the call and then double-click on the analyst’s name.

Highlighting the analyst in the list and clicking OK will close the call immediately and will not forward the call for comments.

Email Closure Group/Analyst

The Email Closure Group/Analyst option can be used when closure comments are enabled or when a closure rule is set for a specific group to close a call.

The Email Closure Group/Analyst option will be enabled only if:

  • The Email Optional at Forward setting is selected for calls in the Administration module

  • When closure rules are enabled

  • When IPK rules with closure rules are active

  1. This option can be selected if you want an email about call closure sent to the analyst or group you have selected in the Forward list when closure comments are enabled.

  2. When call closure is by a closure group, selecting this option will email members of the group informing them of call closure.

To Close the Call Yourself

If you want to close the call yourself, click OK.

The closing group for a call is set to the group to which the call was forwarded. If the call was not forwarded to a closing group, the default group of the analyst to whom the call was forwarded becomes the closing group.

Physical Status Values

Forwarded to You for Close

When a call is forwarded to a logging analyst to be closed, the physical state is classified as Forward to You for Close when the call is viewed by the analyst who logged the call

Forward for Comments

When a call is forwarded to a logging analyst to be closed, the physical state is classified as Forward for Comments when the call is viewed by the analyst who resolved the call.

Forwarded to Group For Close

When a call is forwarded to the logging group or closure group to be closed, the physical state is classified as Forward to Group for Close when the call is viewed by the analyst in the Closure Group.

When a call is forwarded to the logging group or closure group to be closed, the physical state is classified as Forward for Comments when the call is viewed by the analyst who resolved the call.

The resolution action and closure comment are added to the call as separate history items.

Closing a Call with Linked Child Calls

A number of calls related to the same issue are often linked as child calls to one parent call. Linking calls in this way is useful because it enables you to close all calls simultaneously when the issue is resolved, rather than closing each call individually. When you close the parent call, you can choose to close all linked child calls. When you select the Close button on a parent call, the Close Child Calls dialog box displays, giving you the option to resolve all linked child calls. The fields displayed on this popup window will depend on whether your system has IPK Streams and IPK Statuses enabled.

  1. Select Close on the Call Details window for the parent call.

You can close a parent call by clicking Close New in the main call window. However, only the parent call will be closed, and a new call window will open immediately. You will not see a popup reminder regarding linked calls, and all child calls will remain open.

  1. Select Copy workaround to copy the text entered in the Actions & Solutions field of the current call over to the linked child calls. This entry will display in the history of the linked child calls.

  2. Select Email attached users if you want to send an email message to all users in the child calls, informing them that their call has been closed.

  3. Choose whether you want to close the current call only (that is, the parent call), or both the current call and its linked child calls:

    • Click Yes to close the current call and any linked child calls. ASM will copy any workarounds and/or email the users of these linked child calls if you specified this in the popup window.

    • Click No to close the current call and not any of its linked child calls.

Closing an agreement applied to the call

When a call is resolved, the clock will stop on any agreement attached to the call. If the resolve time is changed by an analyst, the escalations and breaches on the call are not affected. The resolve time and closure time set on a call depend on whether closure rules have been enabled on your system:

  • If closure rules are not enabled and a call is resolved, the time of resolve is set to when the call is actually closed. Hence the resolve time and closure time are the same.

The clock will stop on any agreement attached to the call once the call is closed.

  • If closure rules are enabled and a call is resolved, the resolve time is set at this point, however the closure time is only set when the analyst/group to whom the call is forwarded (according to the specified closure rule) closes this call. In this case, the resolve time and closure times will be different.

The clock will stop on any agreement attached to the call once it is resolved.

Re-opening a call

Analysts can only re-open a call if they have either the Reopen Resolved Calls or the Reopen Closed Calls privilege.

To re-open the call and make it visible on your Calls Outstanding window with the status Pending Your Action.

  1. Search for closed calls using any search method you like.

  2. Once you locate the call, select it and display the details.

  3. You will see a banner at the top of the details window informing you that the call is closed.

  1. Select Re-Open in the banner, or

  2. Alternatively, you can click the Re-Open button at the bottom of the screen

Last updated